Chapter 20 : Boxing Clever (Stir It Up)

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Twenty minutes later the BG boys sat contentedly in the school yard in Phini, a slight chill evident as shadows began to creep across the small cluster of tents. All around them was evidence of their rapidly consumed gourmet meal. A dozen empty billy cans, empty tins, discarded biscuit and chocolate bar wrappers, knives, forks and spoons littered the ground as they cradled steaming mugs of tea. Legs, feet, shoulders and backs were aching, but stomachs were full, the boys content.

Amid the banter, light heartedly debating the best part of the mini-feast they'd just devoured, a small commotion appeared to be starting across the camp. They could see a gathering of a number of hikers and some of the organising team near the HQ tent. There was more activity by the adjacent food and water supply truck, where they could see Mr. Asquith, the Akrotiri YC Leader, rummaging through the truck and talking animatedly whilst gesticulating to several others.

"Looks like not everyone's quite as happy with their evenings' arrangements", said Gordy "wonder what the fuss is about?"

Johnny H stretched out, his head back on his rucksack and let out an enormous belch.

"To be honest, I don't give a stuff", though he looked up adding, "Is that Roger and his crew at the centre of it all? Should have known, perhaps they can't find the salmon and silk napkins planned for tonight!"

"Nah, it must be the caviar has gone missing, that's enough to spoil anyone's evening." Rick didn't want to be outdone, let alone by Johnny H who only cracked a joke once a year, if that.

"Bleedin' caviar Rick, I bet you don't even know what that is?" smiled Will.

"Course I bloody do, it's.... it's them small blackish egg things from – frogs eggs that's what it is, not that I've ever had any."

"Sorry Rick, get it right. Caviar is actually fish roe or eggs, or more accurately and traditionally only sturgeon eggs, nothing to do with frogs, but actually quite nice."

All eyes turned to Kenny. "Oooooh, what the...... who do you think you are - Fanny fucking Cradock?"

Kenny turned to Gordy to reply, shrugging sheepishly, "Sorry guys, but when your Dad's a Chaplain you have to go to a million events from very basic through to ultra-posh do's where they serve loads of that sort of stuff."

Simon interrupted the immediate ribbing of Kenny and his highbrow and educated palate. "Oy, guys settle down a bit. Looks like we're going to be involved in this little disturbance somehow, hope it's not more shit heading our way". He pointed to the gaggle of seven or eight, who were headed their way.

The boys quietened down, genuinely surprised to see Peter Asquith, Rob Morris the BG Youth Club Leader and a couple of the HQ NEAF Team heading their way. Behind them followed Roger, Tristan and all their Akrotiri team mates. Everyone groaned as they spotted Mr. Wilkinson at the back of the little deputation.

"Shit. This can't be about our friendly little welcome earlier can it?" Dan wondered out loud.

As the others watched the group approach, Alex and Simon glanced at each other, with more than an inkling of what this may all be about. Simon discretely shook his head, making a zip movement over his mouth. Alex acknowledged this and stayed where he was, effecting an even more laid back pose, lounging on his sleeping bag far from the advancing throng.

Most of the BG boys sat where they were, still full from the wonderful meal and equally determined not show any real interest in what was going on. Still they liked Rob, so Will and G slowly got to their feet. "Hello Rob, Mr Asquith, what's going on?" Will addressed the two YC Leaders whilst glancing past them to the lads from Akrotiri, who were clearly infuriated about something, now glowering at the BG boys.

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