Chapter 19 : Small Victories (Food Glorious Food)

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Day 3: Late Afternoon – Phini, Food and Fuses Lit

Reaching the school, they quickly checked in and found the other BG lads. Being two of the first teams to arrive they had choice of locations and had secured a prime site close to the school gates. The location had the advantage of making it easy to keep an eye on other teams as they arrived at the school and as the guys gathered into a quick impromptu huddle, several ideas emerged and they swiftly came to two unanimous decisions.

The first was Will's idea and it took but a moment's explanation and consideration before they smiled and were all on board. It wasn't often they chose subtlety over the obvious, in your face approach, but this time it felt just right. Rick was nominated to keep an eye on the path leading to the school and alert everyone in plenty of time.

* * *

The second decision was purely practical. They were all starving from a strenuous day, though as teenagers, appetite wise, there was little difference between this and any other day. Rigorous effort or day spent on the couch, the next meal was never far from their thoughts. It was Ryan and Kenny's turn to cook the evening meal, so they made their way over to the supply truck to collect their two food boxes, one for each team which would see them through to tomorrow night at the top of Troodos.

Peter Asquith, the Akrotiri Youth Club Leader was managing the water and food supplies and greeted the two of them from the back of the three ton truck.

"Hi boys, well done, you've obviously made a great effort today, finishing so early. Ok, let's get you sorted. What are your team numbers then?"

"Thanks Mr. Asquith, it was a tough day." Kenny was never less than polite and this, allied to the fact his father was a Chaplain, often seemed to weigh in his favour.

"We're teams 6 and 7 and we've got ten hungry stomachs to fill tonight".

Peter Asquith turned to find the requisite food boxes among the various stores and spares stacked in the back of the truck. "Let's see what we've got for you then. These boxes have moved around a bit, ok here we are – boxes 3/6 and 3/7." He picked up the first box and handed it to Kenny, "Oops careful nothing falls out Kenny, that one's upside down".

Kenny took the box from him and turned it the right way up. Ryan waited for the next box, taking it carefully and both thanked him again.

"Make sure you stock up on water and bread lads, there's a tap over there that has good drinking water or we've got bottles if you need them. Enjoy your meal."

Nodding their thanks, the two boys picked up several large bottles of water and loaves, put them on top of the boxes and made their way back to the tents.

No standing on ceremony, Ryan and Kenny quickly ripped the two boxes apart, ready and eager to get the evening meal started for their hungry team mates.

"Hey Ry look at this. Half a dozen large packets of sealed beef steak, plus loads of tins of new potatoes and peas. There's even tins of Dolmades in olive oil and look apple and raspberry crumble pies, tins of custard, loads of chocolate bars, biscuits and other stuff. I had no idea this sort of stuff was on our menu."

"Me neither. Alex and Simon sorted out most of the menus. They've done us proud, must have decided we'd need a night of luxury, before a tough day up to Olympus. My box has got pretty much the same stuff as we had yesterday. Let's save this one for breakfast and treat ourselves. We can use all the stuff from your box for both teams and cook up a right feast".

Kenny needed no further prompting. They got the mini cooking stoves, pots, pans, billy cans, knives and spoons out and started laying the whole evening meal out. They'd give the guys a rare three course treat tonight. Soon water for the potatoes and peas was boiling, the smell of the rich steak and sauce simmering slowly filled the air as Kenny and Ryan prepped the dessert and custard ready for later and sorted the chocolate and snacks into ten equal piles.

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