11. singin' in the rain

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today finn and y/n had to go back to new york. they had so much fun at the cottage but every good thing has an end.

they left early so they could rest when they got back and then go out and do whatever.

the car ride back was long but it was nice. y/n watched as the scenery flew by her and finn watched the girl in admiration.

they got back and both went to their separate hotel rooms. y/n instantly flopped down on her big, comfy bed. if she was being honest, she missed the big hotel mattress. the bed at the cottage wasn't the comfiest.

finn did the same. they both fell asleep so quickly. it was as though they fell asleep as soon as their head hit the pillow. they didn't mind though. they were exhausted and just needed one of those naps that hit different.


y/n woke up from her nap to see it pouring out on the streets of new york. she loved when it rained, it just always felt so calm and nostalgic to her.

she got up and ran to her door. she wanted to go see if finn was awake so they could go out and have fun in the rain. it sounded childish but she couldn't help but admire the rain.

finn had the same idea. he went to go knock on the door but the door swung open before he even got the chance to knock. the door opened to an excited looking y/n.

"finn can we go dance in the rain!" she exclaimed.

"why do you think i'm here? i was gonna ask the same question!" he answered.

the two both ran down the stairs like they were both 5. if anyone had seen them, they would call them childish and immature but it was just something they both enjoyed doing. they didn't want to take the elevator because it would've taken too long.

they both got out and it was like they got instantly soaked.

they ran down the streets of new york city together, singing in the rain.

it was such a glorious feeling to them. they looked up at the clouds and laughed at how dark they were considering they were both so happy.

the sun was in their hearts and they were both ready for love.

the stormy clouds chased everyone else off the streets but the two had a smile on their face as they kept singing and dancing in the rain.

the two loved each other and they both knew it. to have this connection with someone was something very rare and they were both extremely grateful for each other.

y/n tried catching all the rain drops in her mouth and finn watched her and laughed. she looked so silly with her mouth wide open and her head hung back.

even though it felt like it was raining cats and dogs, y/n caught very few rain drops in her mouth. it felt like all of them went on her face instead.

the two danced side by side until it got dark out and they both got cold.

𝙰 𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 | finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now