7. hungry eyes

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after they spent hours having a picnic and having a genuinely good time, they decided to go back to the hotel to watch the sunset from the balcony once again.

they got back and they both went to y/n's hotel. they both sat outside with a book to read while they were waiting for the sunset.

they didn't have to read for long since they got home almost just in time for the sunset.

they both watched the sunset together except it wasn't in silence this time.

finn had a song stuck in his head and he was whistling it while watching. the song was none other than hungry eyes by eric carmen.

y/n didn't mind though. she actually quite fancied the song.

they stargazed once again and both went inside.

y/n was exhausted so she went straight to her bed and plopped down and started dozing off.

finn decided to show himself out but was stopped when he heard a voice from behind him.

"wait," it said.


"stay." she said.

"oh... okay?" he said more as a question.

he set up the pull out couch to sleep on and got comfortable. there was a silence between the two which wasn't so comfortable.

they were both still awake and they both knew the other was awake, it was just awkward for some reason unknown to each other.



"can you just... come here?" she asked hesitantly.

he got up and got into the bed next to y/n. it was a queen so it was big enough for both of them.

it was a little awkward at first with them being in the same bed but once y/n dozed off (or once finn thought she dozed off), it wasn't so awkward.

finn on the other hand couldn't sleep. he looked over at the girl and watched her sleep. he decided to do what she always did and took in all the little things about her.

the way she looked so peaceful when she slept, the way the moonlight would bounce off of her cheekbones, the way he could hear her lightly snoring was so adorable to him.

he needed to get some things off of his chest so he decided to talk to her since she was sleeping.

"i've been meaning to tell you," he paused. "i've got this feeling that won't subside."

he leaned back on his pillow and started to fantasize about what it would be like to call her "my dear" or "my darling"

little did y/n know, she was in finn's sights. he had hungry eyes for her.

"one look at you and i can't disguise i've got hungry eyes," he continued.

he turned on his side to face her.

he moved a little closer and wrapped his arms around her.

"i want to show you what love's all about," he whispered with his head buried in her back. "but i don't think you would give me the chance."

he felt the magic between the two, but he thought only he felt that.

he sighed and turned on his other side and fell asleep.

he didn't know this but y/n was awake the whole time, listening to him.

she got sad when he turned away from her.

she started realizing that she had hungry eyes for him.

she wanted to be "his dear" or "his darling" and she thought that would never happen until she heard what he was saying to her.

she also felt the magic between the two but never realized it until now.

she opened her eyes and checked the time to see that it was super late.

she closed her eyes and dozed off into her slumber and left all her thoughts for the next time she actually had time to herself to think.

they both fell asleep wishing they were holding each other in their arms at that very moment.

𝙰 𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 | finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now