4. try again

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it was the next day, the day jaeden tried to get finn and y/n to hang out on but couldn't manage to get y/n to go out with finn.

finn got up and looked out of his hotel window. the sky was a beautiful shade of blue without any clouds. the busy streets of new york down below, filled with people living life, going to work, doing whatever it was that made them go out on this beautiful day.

finn was pretty well rested from the day before. he did some skin care which really made him feel refreshed and he got a good nights sleep.

he realized he wanted to go out today. he'll go buy some records, maybe find some local stores to support and take a few pictures with his film camera. he had some extra time so why not take some time to play around with his hobby.

he didn't want to do this all alone, so he decided he was going to try to get y/n to come out with him. it was going to take some persuading, but he felt lucky.

he got all his stuff together and headed out the door.

the girl was sitting on her balcony, enjoying a cup of tea. she had been awake for hours already. she went to bed early the night before so she could wake up and watch the sun rise.

she must admit, it was pretty beautiful. the sky was painted with pretty pinks, indigos and even oranges. she was glad she got up early.

she had some time to kill between then and now so she did a little skin care. she had somehow gotten on the pr list for Florence by Mills which surprised her but she didn't mind. she guesses the mix of her gaining social media presence and her and millie talking a couple times scored her some free skin care.

while she was enjoying the view of the city that never sleeps, she heard a knock at her door. she got up to answer it and to her surprise, it was the one guy she strongly dislikes.

"what do you want, wolfhard?" she asked, looking him up and down.

"um... well, i was gonna go roam around the city and was wondering if you wanted to come with me." he asked her. he didn't know why but he was kind of nervous.

"and why would i do that?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"look, i know we got off to a bad start but i wanna try and make it up to you! maybe we can start with going shopping?" he finished, saying it like it was a question.

"no. goodbye!" she said, closing the door on him.

she rolled her eyes and went back to enjoying her morning on the balcony.

finn on the other hand felt kind of crummy. little did y/n know, finn was going to try again. so, he wasn't going to cry, he wasn't going to sigh, he was going to try again.

finn went out in the city and found a record store he wanted to check out. before he went in, he made sure to call y/n.

they had each other's numbers because the directors insisted they exchanged phone numbers when they started filming.

it rung a couple times before he heard a voice pick up on the other side.

"what now wolfhard? i'm trying to read." she complained.

"i'm out front of the record store, wanna come pick out some records for me?" he asked kind of hopefully.

"no." and then she hung up.

while he was in the store, flipping through records, he thought of how he could convince y/n to spend the day with him.

he picked out a couple records, and paid for them, and off to the next store he went.

he found a vintage clothing store near by and knew he had to call y/n. they both shared an interest in vintage fashion. finn kind of liked the 70s skater kind of style, and y/n liked a bit of everything from before y2k.

he called y/n. it rung, and it rung, but she never picked up. he tried calling the phone in her hotel room and luckily, she picked up.

"y/n i found the perfect vintage store and i know you would love it. come down and check it out with me?" he spoke.

"how do you know what i would like? you didn't bother to get to know me that whole time we were filming." she responded.

"y/n, please just give me a chance. if you come with me, i'll pay for everything! come on." he begged. he just really wanted to spend some time with her.

there was silence on the other end. y/n was thinking whether or not she should go.

"... if i come, will you stop begging me to hang out with you?" she asked.

"yes. yes, i promise!" finn responded.

"fine. i'll come. but only because i'm tired of you calling me every 10 minutes." she gave in.

"great! meet me at (vintage store name)" he said and hung up.


y/n and finn had spend the whole day together.

finn was proud of himself for being able to get y/n to spend a day with him. he learned a lot about her that day. (he also spend a lot of money on her that day. let me tell you, that girl does not hold back.)

y/n tried being stubborn at the beginning but she couldn't keep the act together by the end of the day. finn was really sweet to her all day and some of those old feeling she used to have when she was a fan began to come back.

she tried her best to not have them resurface, but it was no use. y/n didn't want to say this but... she actually had fun with him for a day.

the two found themselves on a hill, watching the sunset, surrounded by shopping bags. the sky was painted with purples, pinks, yellows and oranges. this had to be one of the prettiest sunsets she's seen yet.

y/n looked over at him.

"you know, i hate to say this but..." she trailed off, "i actually had fun with you today" she finished.

finn raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "really?" he asked, surprised.

"yeah, but just a little, tiny, teensy bit of fun so.. don't get your hopes up" she said teasing him.

the two let out a small chuckle and went back to watching the sunset until the sun was completely gone.

finn made sure to walk her back to her hotel room and made sure she was safe with all of her bags.

she bid him a farewell and closed the door.

she can't believe she was liking him again.

𝙰 𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 | finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now