6. earth angel

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it was the weekend now and luckily, they had a free day to do anything their hearts desire.

they had both woken up and gotten ready for the day. neither of them had plans but they felt like getting ready.

finn walked down the hall to y/n's room to see if she wanted to hang out with him today.

he knocked on her door and she answered almost instantly.

"jeez that was quick! how long have you been up?" finn questioned.

"i woke up pretty early this morning, actually. i got to watch the sunrise. it's beautiful how pretty the sky always is. i got to see all the fluffy clouds come out, the pastel pinks mixed with blues instead of purples, and people waking up to get ready to go to their jobs. it was truly a beautiful sight, i wish you were there to see it." she responded.

finn was fascinated with how this girl viewed the world. she took in all the small details and it was truly beautiful. the way she was always so focused when she room in the scenery behind it. and she never got tired of seeing the same thing everyday! he truly thought she was an angel on earth. an earth angel, if you will.

they both walked farther into the room and discussed what they were doing today.

"i have no plans today whatsoever. i was thinking of just wandering around the city,"
y/n told finn.

"i have no plans either." finn stated.

suddenly y/n audibly gasped which scared finn. she thought of an amazing idea of what the two could do that day.

"can we go for a picnic?!" she asked excitedly.

he loved seeing her so excited and couldn't turn down the offer.

"of course, dear." finn responded. "we should stop at the store to get some food. i doubt you have any food in the mini fridge" finn suggested.

while being in the city for so long, y/n's had some time to shop. luckily, she had found a picnic basket one day and decided to buy it. she didn't know it would come in handy until now.

she grabbed it out of one of the closets and out the door the two went.

on their way to where they were going to have their picnic, they stopped at a convenience store. they got some snacks and drinks for the picnic and paid for it all.

they finally got to the place they wanted. the place they watched the sunset together for the first time.

no one was there so they got the hill all to themselves.

they sat down a mat and got the picnic all set up.

they sat there for hours, laughing about stupid things that happened on set. they obviously didn't get along then but they still had funny memories from when the rest of the cast and crew would make mistakes or jokes for everyone to see.

finn loved seeing her laugh. he thought her smile was absolutely beautiful, and the way her eyes would glimmer while she laughed. he truly loved her all the time. but he knew he was just a fool in love with her.

at one point they just sat there, enjoying each other's company.

finn watched as y/n took in her surroundings. the rustling of the green leaves in the tree, the little flowers that were hidden in the grass, the beautiful blue sky with big, fluffy clouds floating around.

he really did adore her.

he realized that he's fallen for her and he hoped and prayed that someday he'll be the vision of her happiness. he hoped one day she'll take in all the little things about him like he would see in those cheesy romance movies, or see him how she sees the world around her.

but he realized that he was just a fool in love with her.

𝙰 𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 | finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now