8. everybody loves somebody

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it was the next morning and y/n woke up to an empty bed.

she frowned as she wished finn was still right there next to her but, as she checked again, she knew he wasn't there for sure.

she got up to make some tea as she did every morning before she went out for the day.

when she went to go grab a tea bag, she saw a note.

it read:
good morning dear,

as you know, i left but i had to get some stuff done. when i get back, i'll come over and we'll see what we can do today.

i'll see you later,

she read it and smiled. she was excited to see what plans they would make today as she always had fun with him.

she made her tea and sat down to read a book. however, as soon as she sat down, there was a knock at the door.

she opened it to see finn with some breakfast.

"i gotta give you a key, man" y/n chuckled.

they sat down and had some breakfast and discussed the plans for the day.

finn already knew what he wanted to do but he wanted it to be a surprise.

they settled on going on a road trip but y/n didn't know exactly where. that's why finn was driving.

they got in the car and put on some of their favourite music. finn rarely took highways on road trips. he would always take side roads or go through little towns that were on the way because it was fun to adventure.

y/n didn't mind taking all the side roads. she loved seeing all these new environments and all these new people. there was so much of the world she hasn't seen and she wanted to adventure more.

y/n ended up falling asleep not long after they left the hotel. finn looked over to talk to her but realized she was asleep and turned down the radio a bit.

finn drove and thought to himself for the rest of the ride as y/n slept for longer than he thought she was.

they finally reached their destination. a cute little cottage in a small town a couple hours away from the big city.

finn had spent all morning trying to find a cottage that he could book on such short notice. he also packed a suitcase for y/n before he left and put it in the car and luckily, she didn't notice some of her clothes were gone.

he gently woke her up and started getting everything out of the car.

"what the hell?" she said groggily. "where are we?" she asked.

"surprise! i booked us a cottage to stay at for about a week or so. i realized we had all our press done for our stay in new york and decided to find somewhere to stay that wasn't the hotel for a change." finn responded.

y/n just nodded. before she blew up, she lived a calm life in a small town not too far from the biggest city in her state/province. she was excited to live in a small town again, even if it was only for a week.

they got unpacked and decided to just relax for once. finn was reading a book and y/n wanted to go for a little walk.

"hey finn, i'm gonna go adventure around the area real quick. i'll share my location with you if you need me" y/n said.

she went out the door and decided to walk down the streets. she found a lake and decided to check it out.

she found a dock and sat at the end of it. it was still pretty early but the lake still looked beautiful.

she took in everything around her. she loved how the sun reflected off of the water and it looked like the water had little sparkles on it. the mix of the sounds of the trees rustling and the birds chirping was one of y/n favourite sounds.

she had some time to think to herself now. she thought of finn. the way his eyes sparkled when he watched the stars, the way she could count his freckles over and over again. she loved how they scattered across his pale cheeks. the way his plump lips always looked so pink and how she always wanted to kiss them.


did she just think that?

people always told her, "everybody loves somebody sometime" and she realized her time is now and that somebody was none other than finn wolfhard.

everybody falls in love somehow and the way y/n fell in love was by giving someone a second chance.

she can't believe she fell in love with a coworker. but she fell in love with him in the busy city of new york.

there really is no telling where love will appear.

"ah, i found you," y/n heard a voice from behind her.

she turned around and smiled and gestured for him to come sit next to her which he gladly obliged.

y/n didn't know but finn had been standing there for quite a while now. he was also thinking about how much he loved the girl.

he had realized it a while ago but never wanted to admit it to himself.

he always dreamed he would find someone for him but stopped dreaming about it just about over a year ago.

although his dreams were long overdue, y/n made it worth the while waiting for someone like her.

they both sat there and enjoyed each other's company on the dock on the lake.

𝙰 𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 | finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now