[ENG] Love letter

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Magical, it truly is. Love is such a thing. So i thought i might tell you how i feel, like what i really feel. Love, i love you. But its so much more. I want to be by your side, day in and day out. Stay close to to and watch you smile. Laugh together with you and be happy by your side. I want to be with you when we go home and i want to hug you close when we come home. Cuddle close with you in the sofa as we snack on biscuits and drink juice with you while we watch silly videos. I want to live by your side and go to bed with you. So i can hug you and pet your head as you drift off to sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night i want you to hug me closer and fall back asleep, sweet and sound. I want to feel your body against mine, skin to skin, feel you close while soft lullabies come from a speaker at low volume. I want to wake up with your face a centimetre from mine and i want to wake you up by kissing your forehead and i want to see your sleepy eyes open and your face turn to a smile as you see me first thing in the morning. I want to get up and hand in hand make breakfast together while slow dancing with you in a sun lit kitchen with soft dark grey cabinets and black marble countertops that glimmers in the sun as your eyes does. A beautiful shade brown, reminding me of chocolate and sweets. Pine tree bark in the dusk light in a bright forest on top of a mountain. I want to smile with you until time itself ends and i want to never leave your side. I will be by your side when the sun goes down, watching the burning sunset and be your lover when the stars rise and under the moon i want to see your fair skin shine in the moonlight, i want to see it glistening in your eyes like a diamond in a sea, and i want to give you it. I want to give you everything i can and experience it all with you. We will adventure the roads and head forward, hand in hand. Ready for whatever the worlds throws at us and if you slip i'll be there to patch up your wound, i'll give you sweets and pet your head and say
"I'm proud you made it this far, now we can make it to the finish line together" i want to compliment you where you fall of and i want you to do the same for me. I want us to be happy and i want us to love eachother. Together, close. Forever until the world ends, i want it to be us against the world. Because when im with you, i feel special and you make me incredibly happy, a smile on my face as i write this and think of you. Your warm body, beside mine. I can hug you whenever and i know you will hug me back. I know you love me and all my imperfections, because in your eyes they're not imperfections. They are just another part of me. And that's how i feel about you too. I want everything you have and i want to share it with you, i want to share the world with you. Hear all about you, what your favourite colour is, what your favourite food is. What you dreamt of when you were a kid, i want to play in the sand by the water and jump of cliffs into water. And laugh as we bask in the sun on a cliff by the water. Because i love you, so damn much.
And there's not enough words on this earth to describe it enough. I cant say it enough times and i feel so full of it all, i feel so blissful and joyfull, happy, content, delighted, sunny, radiant and like im walking on the moon. I feel delighted to have met you and to share this mutual feeling with you. I feel so radiant in the way you talk to me, how you tell me im pretty and that im smart and kind and that you trust me. I feel like i shine like a sun when im with you. You lift my heart and make it flutter and you make my soul radiate joy. For you, i feel love and the love i share with you is most precious. Because to me, it means the world to me. Because i can be with you whenever and wherever we go. Together with you until the final sun sets and the last star explodes and until the final flower has bloomed. Until the rest of the leaves have fallen to the ground, and there is nothing left. I still feel like i'll have you by my side. Its so fulfilling to have you by my side. And i never want that to chance, i want it to be the two of us. Together. Hand in hand on the road of life. Your wonderful smile and your eyes lost in mine on a bench by a lake, with some lemonade and sandwiches. Under a cherry-tree in spring when the oxey-dasies have just started to bloom and the bees are busy, with birds chirpin in the bushes and i want to watch the sunset with you and cuddle closer as it sets beyond the horizon and the sky turns a midnight blue and stars start to peak out with the moon as a beacon of light. With cicadas in the fields singing the nightly tune and an owl in a nearby tree saying goodnight to the forest. And with that, i want us to fall asleep holding eachother close under a mountain of pillows as you truly. Truly are my best friend and partner for life.
So, i love you. Thats just what i wanted to say, when i squeeze your hand on the subway. Or when i poke you for your attention. Im just saying, i love you.

So goodnight, i love you, sweet dreams
Yours truly Luxic,

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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