[ENG] The Lost Piece

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The map pointed all of the mane six to the frozen forest, far off to north, north west. Almost as far north as mt. Everhoof. To a very small town called stratusburg. Surrounded by a lush forest to the north that scale downward. The trees were only a few meters tall all over but if you wander into it you would slowly start to notice that the tree tops were getting further from you. The forest floor, was slowly and ever so slightly sloping downwards where you couldnt see where it stopped. The top of the forest, was continuing down further north into the forzen lands where the tree tops froze. Covering the forest roof with a thin blanket of ever frozen ice and a thin layer of snow, trapping warm air inside and reflecting light down. Hundreds of meters down. From above, you wouldnt even dare to guess how deep the forest actually was or what creatures dared wander deeper inside.
I had hidden myself deep in the forest, and was sure no one knew of my magic anymore, I was very old at this point. Only a few ponies seems to remember my existence, but then again only as an old tale. And then i heard them. The mane six I had seen, when i visited Celestia or Luna in mind only, they had landed in a village near the edge of the frozen forest and they faced the beginning of the forest which seemed kind and innocent. The trees high in the sky woth a warm light green shine on the floor which was covered in lush greenery.  twilight said
"I have no idea why the map called us all here, it must be something very important"
"Do you think its in the forest twilight?" Said Rarity and shivered.
"I think it is inside the forest" Applejack followed.
They all gazed upon the forest
"Tomorrow we will search inside, today we will rest" said twilight and turned around and started walking into town to look for an inn of some sort.

The day turned into dusk. The sun set and the moon rose up, basking Equestria in a soft glow and I went to bed as well as the stars sung me too sleep in my library deep in the forest. There were almost no direct natural light seeping into the library, a thick leaf roof covered the whole forest and over that was the frozen blanket of snow. But here it was, letting through some light between the snow and ice, but no rain. A clever spell i made myself. Bending and stretching the light. I was at the moment writing a lot of books to just store my knowledge. I had lived for so long. Many of my tales were written down. Mostly for myslef, if i ever want to share them. The library, its a collection of all my knowledge i have accumilated over the years. A part of me almost. My magic had integrated with the place. I payed no time to the ponies that had come, they were just an odd pair of visitors once in a while. My shiny dark skin that was shattered with a few dull stars shimmered in the moonlight. My dusk mane waved in the soft winds, it was night still. Another wonderful one. Luna was by far the most talented starry sky painter, her constillations were works of art. But soon it was becoming day again, a sliver of sunlight on the horizon another day. I closed the curtains and got a little rest, retreated my senses into the forest again. I wondered if i should pay a visit to Luna again. I wanted to see how old she had grown, her soft smile and kind heart must have grown a lot. Her light blue mane should have evolved by now. Not quite at thr level mine was. It mane shone with a million lights, each a symbol of a life i've touched, a difference i've made in this world. all of them forming different galaxies and inside solar systems with planets and moons. Black holes and clouds of stardust. A million different lives. A horn standing tall upon my head. I folded my wings to my side and laid down, closing my eyes and sighing as i fell asleep.

The sun rose high up into the sky as Celestia raised it once again. How long could it have been now since i last saw her? A thousand years? Maybe two or more. Im feeling quite a but more nostalgic as of latley. I wonder why is that.
One day two ponies had found me in the forest after wandering for a few days in the near pitch black darkness. I had greeted them both and at first they seemed fearful of me, no helping that. They were only fillies at the time. I fed them and helped them a bit with their magic and guided them out of the forest. They had agreed to keep me a secret, a fairy tail i had become when they grew up.

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