[ENG] Dragons of Layu

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You know the movies, all three of them this story starts at the beginning of it all, before the movies. A thousand years before.
This little girl is running away from her village, its a small village but they are mean to her. So she was finally old enough to go, her dad, the cheif and her mother the cheiftess were making her join the serious dragontraining. Her mother had said
"Lycida, you will be fine. Im sure Godir will take good care of you."
But to be honest, She was terrified, not of the dragons, but of her tribe. She diddnt see the beasts in the dragons as they did. They were gentle and kind. Wise and old and she was facinated. She had often come to the cages and look at them and they diddnt burn her up in flames so she had gradually gotten closer and closer. The day she had come where she was sitting against the bars. It was a quiet night and she fealt a little bump in her back. So she turned around and a very friendly pair of eyes from a monsterous nightmare was looking at her. She reached in and held her hand out, it pushed forward again and they touched. Locked gazes and she felt so fantastic. It was cool, she could not kill or harm these creatures.

So she had decided, she was going to run. Her stuff is packed and she had bags of lether to put on her boat she had stolen and hidden in a small water pool with a stream leading to the ocean. It was planned since long and she had gathered food, and now it was time. She was going to be free! Free from the training and her father that forced her to join the dragontraining, her mother who was always a little too much.

The night after she snuck out and ran to the water pool where her boat had been docked for ages. But looking back she ran back to the dragon stage and ran into the cages where the dragons had awaken from her steps. She opend the locks and chased them out. They ran out and flew away and she hurried back to her boat. She threw her bag into it and her shoes followed as she pushed the boat afloat and jumped on. Gliding through the river to the ocean and out. She were not sure where she would go but it was far away from the island she had called home for 15 years. The night was quiet and the sea as well. At sunrise she rested and ate some food and then continued onward. When the night came again she went to bed and let the ocean carry her to where ever it wanted.

Waking up it was sunny, and hot. Some water type dragons were swimming with her boat and singing and spraying water at eachother.
In the sky there were some Timberjacks flying up high. They all weren't aggroed but they had probably not seen her so she sayed low. Hoping they wouldnt notice her. After a while they seemed to be getting bored so she sat up and began to steer her boat in another direction.

She saw an island not far away after a while and steered her small boat torward it, there were a small beach inbetween the cliffs facing the water. Climbing on land and grabbing her short sword and putting it in her belt. She secured her arrows at her side and grabbed hold of her bow and started going further in land, looking for people and making sure she were going to be safe.

The island seemed more or less abandoned, a few small animals and a few dragons scattered about. Nothing she couldn't avoid. So she did, putting up a small camouflaged shelter. The day was turning to night in no time, it was amazing being free. But coming up with something to do proved to be quite difficult. It was hot, a warm day in the summer and she was going to take a dip in the ocean. So she undressed and went in, it was nice and cool. Getting carried away thinking where she would go if she needed a blacksmith or something that only was located in a village she thought of maybe sneaking in among the masses in a big village and using that. People werent usually so interested in strangers.

It was night in no time and she climed up into her shelter and dried off using a sheepwool mat she had brought with her. She fealt as though someone was watching her and turned around, studied the dark forest after movement and saw something black. Something moved and some sticks broke. Someone was there, a dragon probably. So she while cautiously putting on her clothes she went to investigate.
There diddnt seem to be anything there, it had gone away probably. Some animal or a small black dragon. So she walked back and something came running. Fast. Before Lycida could react she was laying on the ground held down by a dragon. It was over, they always go for the kill, so she layed still, clutching her eyes shut but nothing happened. She heard heavy breathing and she slowly opened her eyes. A pair of clear purple eyes was staring right back into hers, it was beutiful. They were framed by black and the whole dragon was night. Some dark purple spread across in certain nooks and crannies of the dragon. She had never ever seen a dragon with purple, no one had. Its eyes moved away to her side and it opened its mouth, she was dead. Absolutley. A sharp pain pierced her shoulder and she was on fire. She saw purple flames dance and it hurt, but it was, not warm? They were a nice warmth, but something was digging into her skin. Starting intensly on her shoulder and spreading down her arm and over her chest. Circling above her heart and finally stopping.
Someone said. Lycida whipped her head around, the dragon sat in front of her, it had probably stepped off after blazing her. And as the thought crossed her heart she looked over at her shoulder. There were pictures of black flames licking her arm all the way down to her hand, the climed onto her chest and looked scarring. They looked cool. And they were pulsading in purple. It was magic, amazing. She looked up at the dragon infront of her and it was calm, it looked at her and once again she heard the voice.
"Hello!?" It was exited but questioning. She locked gaze with the dragon and her eyes widen in realisation.
"Its you?"
It nodded.
"What did you do to me?"
"I marked you, we will stay together forever"
"Ask yourself instead, why not"
Lycida looked at the proud, confident dragon and she blinked a few times. She wasnt dreaming.

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