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Our eyes flickerd past eachother, the air around us was tense. It was a comfortable tense. We held hands and our knees was almost touching apart from the blankets between them. I tilted my head forward and i got greeted with his. Time seemed to have stopped. It was dark and i i could barley see his face, only the contours. The whole world seemed so distant. We were there, laying in the bed and just existing. Waiting for eachother to say something. No one wanted to disturb the atmosphere. It fealt like we would stay there forever, holding hands and feeling each others breath. I whisperd "you are cozy" and smiled to myself. He squezed me harder, we separated our heads and locked gaze. His eyes are beutiful, they are quite shiny and seem lost almost distant but despite that we feel comfortable. Its warm, almost sweaty. The air is quite tense, it seemes like the world is waiting. Its waiting for us to confess, for both of us. To tell one another something important. Our foreheads are touching and the noses are close. I can feel his breath and im sure he can feel mine. Im moving a bit closer. Holding his hand and wrapping my other arm around him. I can barley make out his face. I place his hand on my lips and cuddle closer. He does the same and leans forward seeking my mouth. The surprise makes me shrug away. I bend my hand and place it on his cheek. I lean forward and place a careful kiss on his lips which he returns.
It was like a dream. Im not sure

A Fragment Of My ImaginationWhere stories live. Discover now