[ENG] Hunted mindreaders

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13 of November, quite a chilly day. On my way to class my thoughts spiraled back to the evening before. There had been a warning, against mind readers. Scientists had found them more common then they thought before. They warned everyone that there could be a mind reader anywhere. It didn't seem so big at home, with just the tree of us. But now, on my way to school there were people everywhere, any of these people could be mind readers. And sure, some people could have the esp powers ravaging the news but still, most were probably just normal people. Going to school, working and living.

Class started a few minutes after my arrival. The subject for this class was creative writing. The teacher mentioned that you should get an idea and write about it. quitley for 20 minutes. Which immediatley started a huge buzzling in the classroom and everyone was talking about a subject of choice. I mentally screamed for everyone to shut up and the person sitting infront of me jumped. At first I thought nothing about it, but then I remembered the news from yesterday.

*shake your shoulders if you are reading my mind*

It delayed a few seconds but ut came, He shook his shoulders. It was a mind reader. Not knowing what I should do I just stopped. Not knowing what to think. so I asked him if he was reading my mind in search for a subject to write about. And he nodded slightly, just enough for me to notice.

As class ended I went forth to the guy infront of me and said hello. He turned his head to meet my eyes and said hello back. But his mouth didn't move. He followed up with that he could also, apart from read minds send messages to minds. Like talking. I thought that was cool and immidetley got an answer back.

"yeah its pretty cool." He smiled back at me.

We followed eachother to the next class, he had chemistry and I had history. We were going to talk about technology. When I turned the corner the teacher was unlocking the door and everyone was entering the classroom in no time. Seating myself in the front I opened my hologram and she began with attendance. A bunch of mixed answers filled the classroom one by one as some people tried to be funny. But I thought, they failed miserably.

"So if you have read the papers I put on the site you would know we were going to talk about, thats right, the history of techology"

I rolled my eyes dramaticly and she started to talk.

"So you know, in the 20th century the mobile phone originated, First came flip phones. Then they discoverd touch tecnology. When I grew up everyone had a touchphone- the biggest companies were Android and Apple. Some others were Sony, Huawei ect."

It continnued for a good amount of class when she said with 20 min left that she had prepared a film to watch. Everyone sighed as they knew what would happen next. She put ip up and began her search fro the "fullscreen" button.

"Miss, you have to make the hologram 3D" one of my classmates said.

"What? Hold on, Im trying to fullscreen this. Where is the cursor?"

"There is no cursor, you flick your wrist to make it 3D"

"And that'll fullscreen it?"

Everyone in the classroom let out a huge sigh, the millenials were really oldschool.

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