[ENG] Song lyric as a story

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Hollywood undead -Bullet

I was sitting on the edge of the high building in the middle of the city and thinking my life trough. The view was bright. The huge city continued on and on. I sat with my legs over the edge and asphalt were a friendly black. A dead end awaited the one who jumped. There stood many bottles of alcoholic beverage beside me. They were all empty and I was thankful that they took some of the pain away. I looked down on my wrists and I saw all the hundreds of thin cuts on my wrist that were leaking that red liquid I was so familiar with.

I gazed out over the city and dangled my legs. All the pills I took yesterday diddn't seem to work the way I wanted to and the pistol laying next too me seemed to call my name. So I picked it up and put it to my head. I closed my eyes and slowly pulled the trigger. It snapped and I was gone. Gone from the world I knew so well as I fell.

I guess I went too far but now i'm gone. Now it+s too late and I will tell you how it ended. I was sitting on the roof edge with two of my best friends. They were both bottles, one were a bottle of pills. It was only a few left and the other one was an almost empty bottle of gin. The building is 20 floors and I sure was at the top. I emptied the bottle and put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger. Then I was falling. The asphalt was looking really soft and the night black color seemed to welcome me with open arms. That's the end of the story but it all must have started when my mother found my letter. She surely must have called the cops because she was worried but she did not know were to go after that.

I was standing in a alley and thinking. The knife in my hand had caused many more cuts but some on them had begun to heal. But there were many that were fresh and the blood dripped down. On my clothes and on the ground. My life is so miserable I should just end it now. But with the knife in my hand I tried. I have been trying for a long time to do it but the knife were too dull so tonight I made sure to sharpened it twice. I diddn't find the courage to drive it thru my chest so I just slit my wrist, again and again. Over and over. Deeper and deeper. I just couldn't do it.

I have been tough all of my life and believe my when I tell you that. And that's the short story. Now i'm on my way and I guess he would want me too look nice. So, before all this began, I went and bought a suit. Its quite nice if you ask me. The cashier asked me what I would use it to and I just said that if I survived tomorrow then I would see him and tell him. He was quite surprised and answered nicely with; yeah, i'll see you tomorrow then.

Then we have the whole story of what happened after that and now i'm here walking up the stair of light. Up to meet him, but suddenly the light goes out and there is no sun too be seen. Why is it always night, I feel like I should be sleeping but I couldn't sleep. And when you can't sleep you cant dream. And when you cant dream, then what is life's meaning? You have to yearn for something, have a goal. We surely think its sad but we don't empathize with the ones who don't have a goal.

The old people are getting older but I will still die first. My mother,my son and someone I know smiled at eachother and when they looked at me. They realized I diddn't but they did not do anything about it. They just pretended it was nothing. This was when I was young and some time after. When it all started to go down, the start of everything in my terrible life was when my father disappeared even though he swore he'd stay to my mother. She just felt guilt because she thought it was her fault but I managed to help her and she realized that. So after that she just felt pain.

When I was young, I did not leave death a thought but after that my brother died. I found out that you could, and as I grew older I discovered how week our bodied really are. But I was too scared to say goodbye to anyone so I looked in the mirror and said it to myself. Were I climed to the roof to see if I could fly. As a kid I often sat on top of the roof and looked out over the city. I wanted to fly way up in the sky. Higher than the birds. I was thinking of trying. It was not that big of a deal but I could just try. I might just try, oh I might just try.

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