[ENG] The zoo in my house

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Hello there. I am something lost to history a long time ago. You see, I can talk to animals and I somehow ended up with a whole lot more of them than I thought.

When i moved out and got my own place to live in i just sorta wanted to get a companion. So i started out with a dog. A pretty old female one and not long after she turned out to be pregnant with 7 small puppies, she had meet a male in the forest.

They were born and the mother soon passed away which left me with her puppies. And i kinda just got used to them, not long after they began to talk. I could understand them and they knew I could communicate as well.

I was the Alfa from the beginning but 2 of them had challenged me and lost badly. So my spot is safe for now at least. I knew i needed to be Alfa tho, because neither of them would understand this world, survive, Let alone keep us alive.

As i had a few enemies from the past who i figured would come back with more people to get me i started training the small cubs. I made them train, hard.

And i tought them that killing would get them a reward. But only on my command. My authority was to be unquestioned. And as i said, to a beginning it was cool. A few years later one of the males challenged me to be Alfa.

We went into a duel and having predicted this i trained myself. There were no way he could beat me. And he diddnt. So it went past, they soon understood why it was a good idea to let me be the Alfa. I knew the society and well, im a human. They needed me.

So years went past and they got strong, when i walked them they diddnt need leashes as they all walked after me. Looking scary and threatening.

Not much happened, until one day. I got an E-mail. Explaining that someone wanted to settle an old score. Me now being 18 and having trained my pack for 4 years they were more than enough.

So i nodded to myself and went to my living room. They all lifted their heads when they heard me and i told them that until tomrrow night at 11:30 they were going to go out in the forest and gather friends to fight.

In the forest that went on for many miles there were 2 wolf packs that my dogs had befriended. So I sent them out and told them where to be when. I was alone until then, or almost.

I had my 2 snakes. They were several meters long each but really cuddly and friendly, to me at least. So i wasn't totally defenseless. Well the day passed pretty quickly and i went to sleep.

Preparing for the night i armed myslef with several knives and a gun strapped to my body. When the time had come I grabbed my hooded cape and locked the door.

I went to the forest where they wrote i should be. I would guess they would be at least 50, depending on how well those ass holes had been at recruiting criminals.

Arriving at the edge of the forest i saw no one, they were probably hiding. So i stepped forward. When i stood in the middle the bushes started to move all around. And a bunch of people came out. In the front my enemies.

They were only 5 but there must have been at least 60 more behind them in the big group. They were all armed, some with guns but they had probably all had knives or something similar.

About time i sensed my dogs. They told me they had gathered both of the packs. About 70 wolves. I grinned, big forest. Big packs, the forest streched all the way to the norweigen border from the small town called darkness.

So they all came forth, displaying their power and that she had no chance.

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