Chapter 29: Endgame - third person Keefe

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A/n: I can't... I can't update on time, no matter how hard I try. Well, I guess it's good I decided to give you an extremely long chapter today. So, I hope you enjoy and... please don't hate me. (Keep in mind I made this chapter kind of graphic)

Third person pov: Keefe

Grumbling insults under his breath, Keefe ran out of the Neverseen base. So much for  that idea, he thought, I hope Annabeth had a backup plan. Dashing into the open space, he immediately hurried towards where he knew the others were. He didn't know where Tam was, but at the moment, he didn't care. Right then, he was worried about Sophie and the others.

As Keefe ran, he saw Tempest come up behind him. She had lost her cloak, leaving her in a grey tunic and black leggings. Her dark hair was plastered to her scalp, but she looked calm and as determined as Keefe felt. She met his gaze and nodded before dashing ahead. Frustrated, Keefe picked up his pace, annoyed at Tempest even though he had no reason to be.

Keefe didn't entirely understand why he didn't like Tempest, but something about her was off to him. She was overly confident and distant, sort of like he tried to be, except she was actually somewhat good at acting like everything was fine. The similarity between them annoyed him in a way he didn't quite understand.

Running towards the crystal buildings on the horizon, Keefe pushed his suspicions aside and hurried towards the one he knew Sophie, Dex, and Hazel were in. They were his top priority, and he didn't want any monsters reaching them first. He came up to the door and pushed it open, revealing the three teens standing ready. "We need to go," Keefe managed before grabbing Sophie and Dex by their wrists, dragging them out the door with Hazel following close behind.

" What happened, Keefe? " Sophie asked as they ran towards the other buildings to find their friends.

"They already knew what we were planning," Keefe gasped, "And they were ready for an attack of any kind. This wasn't going to work from the start."

" Where are Tam and Tempest? "

"Tempest ran ahead. I don't know where Tam went."

" We've got to find them," Dex stated, "Before the Neverseen does."

"I agree." Hazel sighed, "But right now we need to get everyone back to base."

Keefe and Sophie nodded in approval, "Hazel. Keefe. Go find Annabeth and the rest of the demigods," Sophie instructed, "Dex and I will gather the rest of the elves."

Keefe and Hazel turned and ran across the open grass. The demigods were waiting in various places around them, but they had to find Percy first. Percy could get everyone's attention, even without trying. "Annabeth said everyone would be hiding near their 'element'," Hazel recalled, "So we should look near a water source."

"There are tons of lakes and ponds in the Lost Cities," Keefe told her, " There's got to be one near here. "

The paused running for a while to look around. "Over there," Hazel said, pointing to a pond in the distance, " He's got to be somewhere around there. "

Keefe nodded and they continued their running. After a while, they arrived at the pond, and found Percy sitting on the bottom, having a conversation with... some fish. He didn't quite see how it happened, but Hazel was soon throwing a gold nugget down into the water. It landed in front of Percy, who looked up and saw them, and quickly made his way to the surface. "What is it?"

"We need to get everyone back to the base," Hazel instructed, "But we need something to bring them all here."

Percy grinned, "Get people's attention? No problem." Raising his hands, a powerful jet of water shot straight into the air. Soon after it went up, Annabeth ran towards them. She looked really tired, as if she had been running for a while.

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