Chapter 8 - Sophie

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A/n: This takes place before Annabeth's PoV ends. I just wanted to explain some stuff before I continued the story. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

PoV :Sophie

"Sophie Foster, please come to Mr Bavin's room!"

 I stood up from my table, whispering to Keefe before I left, "Don't talk to them unless necessary, in which let Fitz talk." I smiled and walked down the halls to our English teacher's classroom. 

It was strange seeing such empty halls. At Foxfire, even if you were in the halls during class, there would be a few others. Here, there was no one. No one but me and, apparently, Mr Bavin.

I knocked on his door before the door opened and I was being yanked inside. In my surprise, I didn't realize it was burning until I'd come to a halt. Before I could even whimper in pain, a gloves hand covered my mouth. 

He held me like that for about 15 seconds - which is a very long time when he's burning you with literal fire - before he dropped me on the ground. I wiped my mouth with my good arm before talking, "What are you doing here, Fintan?" 

 He laughed, "Well, you were looking for us, weren't you? That's surprising, since I think Gethen is looking for you too!"

 I looked up into the horrific face of Fintan Pyran. "Why would Gethen, of all people, be looking for me?"

 " Well, not just you. He also wants your friends. " He chuckled as I finally managed to stand. "Oh, and not your elven ones, though Tam could be useful, " he started murmuring.

 "What do you mean my 'non elven friends? ' " I asked, preparing to inflict.

 "Oh, you know, Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Leo, Hazel, those people. And, I wouldn't be doing what your thinking of doing. " he grinned a maniac smile as he stepped to the side, revealing a cowering Mr Bavin. 

 "If you even think of inflicting," he said before slapping me in the face with his ungloved hand, " I will hurt you, and you'll only hurt him. " he raised his other hand, leading me to assume that the glove kept my inflicting from working. (Man! How do the Neverseen always come up with better technology so fast?) 

 "If you try to contact your friends," Fintan continued, slapping the other side of my face, "I will be forced to burn you the same way I did when you were twelve." 

 My eyes met Mr Bavin's. He looked at me in astonishment and pity as he realized what Fintan was saying. "Sophie. I'm sorry." He whispered .

"It's fine. You didn't do anything!" I replied, looking back at Fintan, " And you can't torture me the same way as before. "

He laughed, "Why not? Who's stopping me?"

" If you torture me my friends will immediately be able to see what happened. " I pointed out, "And if you decide to kidnap me again," I heard Mr. Bavin's breath catch on his throat, " My friends will realize I'm missing and find you. Not to mention you have no leaders anymore. "

Fintan looked at me angerly, "Of course we have a leader!"

" Who? Gethen? " I laughed, "He can't lead! You know that!" I was becoming very anxious, since I could hear Fitz asking me if something was happening.

#Fitz, everything's fine. Why are you asking?#

*Because you haven't come back yet! I needed to make sure you were okay!*

#Okay, that's really sweet and all, but I'm in the middle of an important conversation. #

*Okay, Sophie. I'm just glad you're okay.*

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