Chapter 4: Voices - Dex

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Okay, I was gonna do a Fitz chapter here, but I've been really behind on updating (like, almost a week behind) and I don't really understand Fitz's mindset, so imma do Dex. Sorry everyone who wanted a Fitz chapter! Anyways, story!!

PoV :Dex

 "Alright!" Percy exclaimed as we sat around a ping pong table , "I may not be Annabeth, but I can come up with half decent plans, too!"

" That's what you think. " I heard a black haired boy in dark clothes and a skull ring mutter.

Percy kept his expression happy, "Nico, we're trying to stay happy. Be positive. Unless that's not your ty-"

"I'm out!" Nico interrupted , standing up abruptly and walking out of the room. There was silence as he left only for everyone -besides me, Fitz, and Chiron- to burst out into laughed as the door closed behind him.

"Whaaat's happening?" I asked Fitz, who sat on my left. He just shrugged, so I turned to Hazel on my right, " Can you explain? "

"Long story," Hazel gasped between laughs, " Basically, Nico admitted a while ago that he used to have a crush on Percy, but he doesn't anymore because Percy's 'not his type '. Now, Percy won't stop bringing it up, and, while it annoys him, it's pretty funny. " 

I smiled slightly, thinking of how Keefe couldn't get over Tam's hair and I couldn't get over... well, pretty much anything about Fitz. Those stupid little arguments no one could drop, but they're still pretty funny for everyone else.

 "Now, seriously, onto the plan," Percy said after everyone has calmed down. Suddenly , Frank raised his hand, "Yes, Zhang?"

 " Um, first of all, why do we need a plan? " A weird, Asian looking dude - Frank asked, "And secondly, who are they?" He pointed at me and Fitz.

 " A: I'll tell you why soon, and B:These people are Fitz and Dex. " He gestured towards us in turn as he said our names, "They're... new campers."

Fitz waved and I tried to smile. "Hi!" Fitz exclaimed in a surprisingly good American English accent.

 A girl with choppy brown hair and looked at Fitz and smiled, " I'm Piper. Have you been claimed yet? " Fitz and I must've looked clueless because her smile wavered slightly. "Do you know who your godly parent is? " she clarified.

I nodded, even though Fitz looked hesitant, "Yeah."

" Well then, can you tell us? "

This time I shook my head, "Nope. You wouldn't understand."

Piper rested her chin in her hand . "Why not?" She asked. Something about her tone was different, but I couldn't place it, "You know you can tell us anything."

I shook my head again, much to everyone's surprise, for some reason, " As I said, you wouldn't understand. " Piper leaned back in her chair, her jaw dropped in shock. As I looked around the table, I saw shocked expressions from everyone except Percy, who was trying to stifle his laughter. "Um... did I do something?"

Percy finally burst in a fit of giggles at my question, "Oh, of course not, Dex! Nothing important! Besides the fact that you just ignored charmspeak!"

 " Excuse me? " Fitz asked, causing Percy to laugh even harder.

 "Gods of Olympus, you don't know?!" Percy exclaimed as he stopped laughing, earning him a cautious look from Hazel, "okay, okay! Charmspeak is an ability given to the children of Aphrodite, in particular. Some others have it, but let's ignore that for now. Charmspeak can allow the user to control another's actions with their voice." I felt myself stiffen as I thought of Councillor Aliana and the whole thing with Prentice, "And you just shrugged it off like it was no big deal!"

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