Chapter 15 - Sophie

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A/n: I got more than 100 views in 3 days! You have no idea how much that means to me! Sorry for not posting sooner, we're taking care of one of my old teacher's children for a few days, so I couldn't post yesterday. It'll be fun to see where this goes, since it's already changed from what I originally imagined it being. I hope you still enjoy it!

Also, I was wondering if I should put chapter titles instead of just who each chapter focuses on. What do you think?

PoV: Sophie

As I fell into the Shores of Solace, I was greeted by a sound similar to that of a squealing, 5 year old girl. When I looked up the look of terror on Lord Cassius' face made me grin. Even in all his strict, terrifying glory, he was still scared of my teleporting, which I'd been doing for years. 

 "What's wrong, Cassius?" I mocked, "Scared of a bit of teleporting? It's not much different than Light Leaping, you know."

 Cassius fought off an embarrassed look as he regained his composure, "Ah. Miss Foster. Here to see my worthless son?"

 " He's only as worthless as you make him feel. " I pointed out as I walked by, "The more you call him a failure the more he seems like one to you. Next time how about complimenting him?"

 I didn't let him reply as I walked inside. I walked down the halls before stopping in front of Keefe's door. "So, " I started, "What did you do to make your father so mad?"

 " Foster? " Keefe's muffled voice asked from the other side of the door.

 "Who else would it be? Now, I want to know why Cassius is so angry. Please tell me it's something funny."

 Keefe chuckled, "Give me a minute, Foster."

 I waited as Keefe... did something? I could only hear the sound of Keefe and Ro whisper-shouting about something and something flying across the room.

Suddenly, Keefe's door unlocked. I walked in after making sure Lord Cassius had been locked outside. I knew it wouldn't do much, but it was funny to hear him banging on the door in a vain attempt to be let in.

Keefe 's room was pretty big, even on elf standards. It was about as big as my room, which took up the whole third floor of Havenfield. His bed was in the middle of the room, and that's where Keefe was sitting. Ro, in the other hand, was sitting nearby on a chair, her legs straddling the back of it.

 "What's up, Foster?" Keefe asked.

"I just wanted to talk with you about this, " I pulled out the scroll.

Keefe eagerly rubbed his hands together, "Ooh! Is the Mysterious Miss F gonna reveal all her secrets?"

" No. I just wanted to ask you a question. "

"Well, spill then! I'm curious to know what your talking about?" Ro exclaimed before laughing as she heard Cassius start pounding at the door.

I chuckled as I shut Keefe's door and used telekinesis to grab another chair, " Well, this isn't really a light subject, so I need you to answer seriously. "

"Aw, come on, Foster! You know I always take everything seriously! "

"I believe that as much as I believe you love your dad." I replied as I sat down. When Keefe just shrugged, I continued, "Anyways, it's just a personal opinion, " I sighed and looked at my feet, "Who in our group do you think would be willing to skip a mission?"

Keefe looked at me, confused. I expected no less. What I didn't expect was his response , "Foster. What are you planning?"

" What? "

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