Chapter 9 - Annabeth

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A/n: okay, this has to be one of the nicest websites I've been on! You guys have been so nice to me! Thank you so much! You're amazing!

If I'm getting anything wrong, please tell me so I can fix it. I wouldn't like having the wrong thing written down during the whole book, and I appreciate constructive criticism. (On that note, how do you spell Fintan's full name correctly? My device keeps saying it's spelled wrong, so I want to fix it if it is.) Also, SPOILER ALERT!! THERE ARE SPOILERS FROM EVERY KOTLC BOOK AND FROM A FEW HOO BOOKS IN THIS CHAPTER!!!!! (I haven't read PJO in a while, so there aren't many spoilers there).    Anyways, enjoy this chapter!


Sophie told me everything.

She told me about when she first could read minds. She told me when Fitz found her, when we was kidnapped, was fixed, the ability restrictor, Keefe's "betrayal", meeting Linh and Tam, the battle in Atlantis, Alvar coming back, the shadowflux incident, Tam's "betrayal", Keefe going unconscious, everything. 

I sat down, taking it all in. "Um, Sophie?"

 " Yeah? "

 "You never explained why I can't understand your friends."

 Sophie's face turned bright pink, "Oh, uh, that's because they speak in the Enlightened Language. Humans don't understand it."

 I nodded in understanding, "Okay. I'm going to try to get the facts straight: you're guys are elves, you have more abilities than most, and people are hunting for you?"

 Sophie shrugged, " Basically. The only difference is that they apparently found us, so... "

Biana suddenly started talking. It was the first time I'd heard her say anything, except to me it sounded like gibberish. "Um, care to translate, Sophie?"

 " She also added that we were looking for them. That's the whole reason we're here in the first place."

 "Why are you looking for them?" I questioned .

Sophie looked at Biana for a moment, "Um, I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to say. Telling you that we're elves is already bending the rules."

" Alright, that's fair. "

"Now, I have a question for you."

I leaned forward, " Spill. "

She paused for a second, "Why are your friends different?"

I was shocked. ( What?! How?!?) Sophie smiled as Biana walked out, finished with covering Sophie's burns with a complex braid. "I-I'm not totally sure what you mean?" I stuttered.

"Annabeth, your friends are different, and I'm assuming you are too. I told you about us, you tell me about you."

I sighed and started talking . I told her everything, from my quests with Percy to our first kiss in the lake, when he went missing, my trip in Tartarus, the final battle. Everything. I knew I wasn't supposed to, but Sophie seemed like a person I could trust. I explained who everyone's godly parents were and how they were claimed, and Sophie just say and listened. 

"So," she finally asked, " Are you happy? "

I cocked my head, "What do you mean?"

 "Well, you know, you have a safe place to live, can visit your real parents whenever you want, - even if that's never - you have the boy of your dreams and, well, you guys won, didn't you? ",

"Well, I mean, I guess we did, but why would that mae me happy?"

Sophie looked at her hands, " Even though my friends always say they're joining me because the want to, I still feel responsible. I don't want to get any of them hurt, you know? I'm always being looked for. Always being chased, and I always get someone hurt in the process. And yet, they still want to help. And I hate watching them get hurt because of me. "

Sophie looked up at me, fresh tears making her eyes glimmer, "It's, honestly, really selfish, but I don't want to endanger them anymore. Sometimes I consider bringing them all somewhere, taking their leaping wands and crystals, locking them in a room, and teleporting away so they don't get hurt. I thought that, maybe because the Neverseen is gone, we could be happy. " she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, "boy was I wrong."

I grabbed one of Sophie's shoulders, being careful to make sure I didn't accidentally touch her burn, "Sophie. It doesn't matter if your enemy is gone or not. There will always be another waiting for you."

 " Oh, well that's a relief. Thanks for the comforting words. " Sophie mumbled sarcastically.

I laughed, "Let me finish! There will always be another person to fight. Always. But that doesn't mean you can't be happy. Like, look at Linh! She seems so happy here, even if she fits in better in the Lost Cities. You're just focusing on the negative. Think about good things and you'll be happy." ( Man, when did I become this sappy? Must be Percy rubbing off on me... somehow.)

Sophie smiled. "Thanks, Annabeth. "

"Hey, it's no problem. "

"Ya know, you don't seem like the type of person for pep talks."

"Usually, I'm not. I just felt like it was the right thing to say." I let go of Sophie's shoulder and suddenly any words of advice Is had vanished. (Wait, what?)

"Felt like... Sophie started murmuring before groaning, "I really need to get Tinker to inhabit my enhancing more!"

" I'm sorry? "

"Tinker made me some devices to keep me from enhancing people. Because my abilities are so strong, my enhancing is becoming more difficult to control. " Sophie smiled sheepishly, "I may or may not have almost started the school on fire by shaking Leo's hand."

" Hold up, what? Really? " I laughed.

"Yeah..." Sophie's shy grin quickly fell though. "Wait, if Fintan had been... " she trailed off and started talking in her weird elven language.

"Um, Sophie? English please?" I interrupted .

Sophie looked at me again, "Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking that maybe these burns are worse then usual because my enhancing isn't being contained anymore. This would allow Fintan to hurt me more, because I'm enhancing his ability. "

I shrugged and stood, "That would make sense, but let's not worry about that now. " I held out my hnd, " We have P.E., and from you've told me about elven skills, this should be a fun game. "

Sophie smiled, grabbed my hand, and we walked into the gym just as teams were being called.

So here's Chapter 9! The next chapter will be from either Percy or Hazel PoV. Tell me which one you want. If no one says anything, I'll pick, but I'll probably start writing at noon tomorrow. Once again, it'll probably be a shorter chapter since it's a different PoV, so I'll try to post 2-3 times. Anyways, see you later! Have a great day/night!

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