Chapter 21

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**First I would like to say THANK YOU for the 100 reads, I'm trying to update as soon as possible but I've only been writing this book for six days, I just have so many ideas I have to write them before I forget (probably my horrible memory). Anyway please tell me what you think!!! I would love to hear from a few of you!:)


Tanner's POV

I walk back into the locker room with all my guys proud as I could be. We did it, I might have cussed at them during half time to get their shit together but, we did it. We won the National Championship and I'm on cloud nine.

Nagging in the back of my head though is the fact that Ellie deserves to know that Gillian came to my room and kissed me, I have to tell her tonight. I think I'm ready to propose to her, I know without a doubt I love her. And I'm ready, I don't think I've ever been more ready to make a decision in my life.

"Tanner Kingston?" I hear announced as I look behind me on the way to the locker room with my helmet in my hand. It's the head coach for the Cowboys.

"Yes sir" I turn around shaking his hand as he introduces himself to me. "I'm impressed with you. I know you're going to be drafted. And I know if that that happens, you'll be in a Cowboys uniform. You're the first recruit, meaning I'll get my hands on you first since I know the Cowboys aren't as good as we could be. When you're ready to make a decision, call me and we'll talk. I'd like to see you in a blue uniform." He tells me handing me his information and a large packet.

"Thank you." I mumble looking at it as I see his wedding band on his finger. He catches me staring at it as he looks back.

"What's her name?" He asks me as I hold the packet. I guess he just knows, he knows I'm contemplating what to do. I don't know what's right anymore, Ellie or football.

"Ellie. She's beautiful, she's selfless, and I love her. I just don't want to make a decision that messes that up." I tell him as he nods.

"I get it. But think about it like this, if you come and play for me you can bring her with you. You'd be having two things I know you care about. You've got a good head on your shoulders young man, I know you'll make the right decision." He tells me patting my back as he walks away.

I don't know what to do. Ellie's going to be proud of me, I know she is, but the thought of making her move her whole life for me, it just doesn't sit right. I love her, I love her more than football. And I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't give up football, and I can't give her up.

Entering the door coach yells at us "Hey assholes, I'm proud of each and every one of you. As you know many of you seniors will be in the NFL next year but I think that Tanner here may be going with you. You guys pulled it together and I'm proud." He tells us as I still. I don't even know what I'm doing with my life.

Cheers and clapping erupts throughout the entire room. Just then Brad our three hundred pound center linebacker comes walking out of the coaches office limping. He is met by the athletics physical therapist with a wheelchair. He is then pushed out of the locker room. The boys are still yelling though, it does not phase their hype one bit.

I watch him leave as I see the door pop open and families line the wall. Although mine is not here tonight I know that it's important what they are doing so I'm okay, as long as Ellie's here I'm fine but somethings up and I know it.

This morning she left without even teasing me. Normally we'll wake up and go get breakfast together before the day starts, or we'll just talk for a few minutes. She just lays on my chest as I rub her back and she just tells me what's on her mind. It's the only time we really get to talk, besides before we go to bed, and even then it's fucked up. She'll go to bed at midnight from studying, when I can't get into bed later than ten and expect to play good. She loves to pick at me and mess with my hair when she wakes up. Which usually results in her and I going rounds. But she didn't do any of that this morning, when I woke up she was dressed, and had her hair done ready for the day. When I sat up looking for her she was bent over putting on her shoes and I whistled at her making her blush but she didn't say anything. She just walked over and kissed me before telling me she loved me and that she had to go. It was odd.

Tanner's Trouble (Kingston Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now