Chapter 12

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Ellie's POV

After sitting in the biggest booth the restaurant had to offer, I was still smashed between Tanner thigh and Tuckers long legs. They are literally the biggest males I think I've ever seen in a family before.

Tanner noticed my discomfort and shifted his leg so that I could place mine across his thigh under the table. He rubs it slowly the entire time I sit by him, he even flicks his fingers across my core a few times while talking with his dad. I almost moan but cover it with a cough.

"Dear are you okay?" I hear Grace ask as he rubs along my core. Oh my god, she heard it.

"Yes ma'am, I just got some water in the wrong pipe" I tell her while laughing.

Tanner whispers down "No you didn't" while then leaning up and pushing my underwear to the side as he slides a finger into my folds.

He just twists it there, nagging me over and over. I feel him flick it and roll my clit as I grip his arm with my nails. He's talking to his dad and mom the whole time like it doesn't even phase him. I turn my head on his shoulder and pretend to be on my phone as he speeds his fingers up causing more heat and witness to pool between my legs. I squirm as he flicks my clit over and over again as I try to contain my moans.

I reach down and pull his hand down as I almost orgasm in this booth. I take it away and let his hand stay on my thigh as I lift my head up from my phone and take a sip of water. I feel the wetness between my legs and it's uncomfortable, I feel like I'm dripping just from him touching me. He non-obviously grabs a soft napkin from the table and holds it in his hand while talking. He pushes his hand up the inner thigh of my shorts, without looking and wipes me off. I hold his hand in place as he cleans me up and pushes my underwear back in place.

I love that he see's my discomfort and knows we can't finish this here. When we get back to his dorm yes, but not now. I quickly shift both my thighs on his right thigh so that Tucker can move over more, allowing Noah on his other side to have more room.

Grace starts "So what have you been up to? How's classes? How's both of your grades?"

Tanner looks up at her responding while I see the waitress coming our way. She stops and takes our food orders. Not having the funds to pay for dinner is embarrassing, I know Tan's gonna offer to pay but, I will refuse, he knows I'm not with him for his money.

I start my new waitressing job this coming Monday anyway so hopefully I can replenish my bank account sooner rather than later.

Not really having an appetite, mostly from not eating the past few years, and my nerves of being with his family, I order 6 wings.

I also don't want to puke from nervousness when Tanner and I go further than ever before.

"Why aren't you eating? You always eat in front of me" Tanner asks me while rubbing my leg.

I look up, "I ate earlier and I'm not super hungry, trust me if I was I would have ordered the same thing you did" while praying he believes me. I have a few dollars on me but not a lot of cash. He however ordered the $26 dollar all you can eat wings along with his dad and both brothers. I have no doubt they will get their money's worth.

He just looks at me and mumbles what I think is an "okay", before talking to his mother and father again.

I decide to talk with Tucker and Sage while he's speaking to his parents, and I come to the conclusion that I really like Sage, she's the sister I've never had.

Midway through speaking my phone starts vibrating in my back pocket. I slip a leg off of Tanner and pull it out. He felt it too because he looks down at me. I see the time displaying 9:30 and look at the screen.

Tanner's Trouble (Kingston Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now