Chapter 8

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Ellie's POV

I wake up groaning from the lack of sleep last night, I was so nervous I couldn't stand it.

I look over at my alarm and see its exactly 6, the same time Tanner and I went out last night. I remember him, his body, the rest of the night where he drove me home with his hand on my thigh, and about the fact that he gave me my first orgasm.

I never knew how much better you would feel after reliving so much sexual tension. I was so wound up and afterwards all I could do was relax into his body, he knew exactly what to do.

He was a perfect gentleman and he didn't complain about my come or his come on his hands either. He just smiled at me and kissed my forehead. He made me feel special, and he made me feel loved even though it is way to early to feel that way.

He walked me to my door and kissed me long and hard before leaving. He gripped my behind in his palms as I gripped his shoulder and jumped on his waist as he pushed my back against my door. He moaned against my mouth and explored my body with his hands until Brooke opened the door and I almost fell. Good thing I was in his arms holding onto his body. She gave us both evil smiles before shutting the door but at that point my face was so red I hid it in his shoulder.

He gripped my face and told me it was okay before I got down off of him and he gripped my butt again as he kissed me and left. It was so completely perfect in the most odd way ever.

It was still early at only 9 when I came home so I should have gotten plenty of sleep. Brooke tried to get all the details out of me but I kept quiet as she hounded me, all she knows is that Tanner and I officially started dating.

Jokes on me though I couldn't sleep thinking about the possibilities of today or about the possibilities of him. I know he's popular, and I know he has a reputation here but, I want to get to know him.

Brooke's still asleep in her room so I go into our joined bathroom and take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I keep my hair in a tight bun though because I don't feel like blow drying it this morning. She must have classes around 9 like most everybody else here but being the way I am I requested early classes. I finish my shower and wrap a towel around myself while grabbing my hair in my hand, I know that if I get it wet it will take hours to dry.

I almost walk out of the bathroom when I notice my neck in the built in mirror. It's covered in hickeys, everywhere from behind my ear to below my breasts are covered. I feel along them as his teeth and lip marks are on my neck, I don't like the way they look but I do like the way they make me feel.

I quickly go into my room and put on a tee shirt and some running shorts along with my old white athletic shoes. I straighten my long hair and leave it down to cover the hickeys and I put on make up quickly. My tee shirt is right on my neckline so most of my breast hickeys are covered. I put loads of foundation on the ones on the right side of my neck though, that's his go to side.

It's sad I already miss him.

I grab my bag, ID card, wallet, phone, and keys all while walking out the door. Just then I look down at my phone as the signature ping sound goes off.

He typed miss me?

I smile as he sends in another one a few seconds later. I hope you have a great first day and I want to see you later for Tanner time. I laugh as I read it, when I told him about the classes I was taking he immediately issued Tanner time so he could still see me for thirty minutes a day.

That alone makes my heart melt. I text back with You too Tan, I'll call you later when I'm out of my Anatomy class xx

I know he wakes up early to work out with his team everyday. The fact that he thought of me this morning though sends my stomach into butterflies.

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