Chapter 9

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Ellie's POV

I walk my tall ass away from his truck as I grab all of my belongings and disappear. I don't stop when I hear my name being called and I keep walking across campus. I don't need this, and I don't need him if this is a relationship with him. I walk past the dinning hall and towards the building for my next class.

When I reach the door hands grab me and force me between the walls so nobody can see us. "Ellie what did you hear?" He asks as I glare at his head and bite his hand as hard as I can.

"You're a player." I demand to him as he shakes his head no and I nod.

"Yes you are! You are!" I demand as he sighs. "No I'm not! I didn't know she was pregnant by Chad when we messed around! She's with him and that wasn't anything special." He tells me as I reach up and slap him.

"You dog" I demand as he grabs my hands and forces them by my sides to calm me down.

"When did you! When did you sleep with her? Yesterday?" I ask as he looks at the ground. "Fuck if, the night I met you. An hour before I met you, and an hour before I was with another girl." He tells me honestly as tears whelp in my eyes.

"You ass" I demand as I pull away.

"Ellie no, it's not like that." He tells me pulling me back to him as I cover my face. "It was all before we met. That's the point, it's before I met you. I told you you're my main priority now." He tells me as I feel tears whelp in my eyes.

"Do you have a STD?" I ask randomly as he shakes his head no.

"You want trust then prove it. I want you STD tested and I want you to be celibate for me. I'm not dealing with this, I don't care if it's before we met! I'm with you now and I can't be if I don't trust you!" I demand to him.

"Okay, Ellie it's you I want. I want you and not anyone else." He tells me rubbing my cheeks as I stare into his face. I have to believe him because he looks so genuine right now.

"Show me then" I demand moving away and off to my class leaving him to stand there alone as I wipe my tears.


Tanner's POV

The last few months have flown by. Between football, trying to see Ellie and studying I don't have a life anymore.

I wake up at 5 every morning to lift weights at the gym, I come back to my dorm to get ready for class at 9, go to class all day and then go to football practice from 4 to 7 everyday. The only off day I get is Sundays and those are reserved for Ellie and Ellie only. I spend all my day studying, and come back to my dorm to study more, everyday.

This shit fucking sucks, I miss high school. The bitchy high school teachers weren't lying when they said college wasn't easy, it's fucking hard as shit.

Ellie though is handling college like a champ, she has an A in all of her classes and still has time to text me to make sure I eat and that I'm taking care of myself.

We've been going slow and getting to know each other more as the months go by, but I want her to feel comfortable so we've been seeing each other but not constantly because she said she wanted space as well. I get that, I need time for me too, which is football or studying.

I haven't seen her in 4 days though. We usually go out for lunch every couple of days but, as of recently I have no time to see her. I get why most of the guys on the team stay single, it's really hard to make time for it but, she's worth it.

I'm struggling academically, I'm not failing but I feel like it's a possibility, and I'm killing myself from trying even though I'm only a business major which, I chose because It was supposed to be easy. I'm really just here to play football and now see Ellie.

Tanner's Trouble (Kingston Series #1) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat