Chapter 11

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Ellie's POV

After sitting through the entire forth quarter and cheering so hard my voice was weak, the game finally ends with Alabama 63 and Georgia State 21. Tanner was a freaking beast. He killed it, he threw all of the games touchdowns for Alabama, had no interceptions on him, and no quarterback sacks. He never showed that he was nervous one time. He even winked at me from the bench a few times and I smiled so hard I thought my cheeks were going to fall off. I'm totally falling in love with this guy.

He was on fire and I could tell his parents were proud of their oldest son. I wonder what it's like having them in your life, their so freaking supportive of all his decisions.

I haven't spoke to my mother in a month and it's the most freeing thing I have ever felt. I didn't realize how much I was suffocated until I wasn't living with her. I don't miss the random men, alcohol, or high demanding attitude, I still talk to my dad everyday though.

I wait together with Tanner's family for the crowd to disappear before being escorted to the lobby outside the locker room. I intentionally walk right behind Tucker and Noah because they are like personal body guards both being tall and muscular like their brother. I don't have to worry about asking to go around anybody because when people see this family they either come up to speak and take pictures with Beau or they run the opposite direction. I get why, all do the men are over 6'4 and weight at least two hundred and twenty pounds each.

We make our way down the tunnel and to the locker room. For the facility to be so nice the door to the locker room is practically paper thin. We can hear all of the shouting and yelling coming from the guys celebrating. I think I even hear one yell at Tanner saying how on fire he was.

I can't help but smile. Sage comes up beside me, and says "You really like him don't you?" she must have seen my face when I was thinking about him.

I do, he's the only guy I've ever dated but I really do like him. "Yeah Sage, I really do, he's incredible. He makes me really happy" I respond.

She smiles at me and continues "Well, I know he's very happy with you as well, he told me about you weeks ago" she tells me as I blush.

"Sage we barely know each other but I can tell you I was never this girl. He's my first boyfriend, he was my first kiss. I just, I really do like him. I think I may even love him but I'm not ready yet. I care about him so much" I open up and tell her as she grins.

"He's pretty cool for an older brother. I'm happy you're with him, he's never introduced us to a girl before. He always said when he did that's going to be his wife" she whispers as I feel my heart burst. So he really does like me, he really does.

"That makes me so happy" I tell her as she smiles.

"He's the happiest I've ever seen him. Just promise me you won't break his heart, he's honestly a really good guy and I can say that because I've lived with him forever. Even though he walks over and farts on me on purpose, hates my dog but secretly loves her, and has run off every guy that's ever wanted to talk to me, I do love my big bro" she tells me as I pull her into a side hug.

"I don't plan on that at all" I demand as she nods.

"So my parents want to go to dinner to celebrate and finally talk to Tanner for more than ten minutes on the phone, do you want to come?" She's the sweetest girl I have ever met.

I weigh my options carefully and finally respond, "No, that's okay, I drove here so my car is still outside and I know how much you and your family miss him. I don't want to take your time away from him. I just want to tell him goodnight before I go." I want him to see them, I can wait. His family is coming first, I'm not taking him away from them.

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