Chapter Thirty-Three

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It was now Friday morning and I had woken in someone's warm embrace. Turning over onto my side, I snuggled into the firm chest that was pulling me in and took in Draco's natural scent that I had somehow gotten so used to already.

The past couple days since Draco and I had became official, we had became practically inseparable. Apart from some classes that we didn't have together, I had spent most of the past two days with him, day and night and I can't say i'm complaining. Behind the bad-boy facade, he is a true gentleman. I know for a fact there are a few barriers I still need to break down as even with me he tries to act superior but that doesn't matter to me, I wish he could see that.

The only thing that had been bothering me slightly was not being able to fully open up to him. I haven't received a letter from my parents in a week now and i'm not saying i'm worried, it's just strange to not hear from them. Of course I can't tell Draco why I find it strange as my father always likes to check up on me and make sure I am still 'on board' with the plans for Voldemort's return. Not being able to talk to my own boyfriend about a big part of my life is hard and in a way, I feel like I am going behind his back and deceiving him. Then again, i'm also doing that right under his nose here at Hogwarts with the DA... Ugh.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Draco stirring awake and I smiled up at him as he began shifting slightly, pulling me into him even more if that was even possible. He opened one of his eyes and peeked down at me, obviously noticing I was already staring at him.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked cockily and I rolled my eyes, however couldn't help but find his morning voice extremely sexy. I placed my hand on his bare chest and began tracing circles on his skin.

"Of course I am. I wake up extra early just so I can watch you sleep" I replied sarcastically and he let out a loud scoff, making me grin up at him.

"If you wanted to perv on me you could at least do it whilst i'm awake. Come on, let's shower" He said sitting up suddenly and I groaned.

"What do you mean 'let's shower'" I asked as he detangled himself from my body and stood up, only in his boxers.

"I mean me and you, in the bathroom, having a shower" He said slowly as if I was thick and I furrowed my brows.

"Together?" I asked, reluctantly getting up from the bed to stand opposite him and he gave me a cheeky smile.

"Yes, together" He replied and my eyes widened. Draco and I hadn't really done anything but kiss, which occasionally got a little heated, since the day he you know... fingered me. I don't know why but I want to take things slow... ish. It's hard when he is this incredibly handsome but he hasn't seen me naked yet, and I haven't even seen his, you know!

"I'm not showering with you Draco" I said unconvincingly but to my surprise he just rolled his eyes and smirked at me anyway.

"Suit yourself" He said before walking past me and smacking my bum. I giggled and turned to watch him enter the bathroom, closing the door behind him as I heard him turn on the shower.

I like Draco. I like him so much more than I thought I would and it scares me. I don't want to lie to him like I am and I definitely don't want to hurt him. I know if he ever found out about me being a deatheater it would destroy him like it did my other friends. He couldn't possibly accept me for who I am. The Dark Mark shits all over looks and personality. I could be the nicest, kind hearted witch in the world who wore the Dark Mark and everyone would still hate me. That's the price you pay for being one of his followers. I suppose I didn't really have a choice though...

I was thankfully knocked out of my dark thoughts by another boy who had quickly became a big part of my life.

"Morning gorgeous" Blaise said cheerfully as he sat up in his bed opposite Draco's and I grinned at him.

Addicted to You {Draco Malfoy Love Story} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon