Chapter Thirty-One

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I woke up the next morning a little flustered. I had barely gotten any sleep last night as I couldn't stop thinking of how Harry is going to react once he realises I told another Slytherin. I know Tracey isn't a bad person, neither am I. But convincing them to believe that isn't gonna be so easy.

I got up out of bed and noticed it was only Tracey and I again. I quickly put on my uniform as I had already showered the day before and put my hair up into a loose high pony tail, curling the ends a little.

"You need to start waking me up earlier" Tracey's voice spoke groggily as I turned and watched her struggle to open her eyes. I chuckled at her.

"I wouldn't want to release the monster within if I disturbed your sleep" I said with a giggle and she grinned before getting up and also getting dressed.

As Tracey was in the bathroom, I pulled up the sleeve of my left arm and admired my dark mark. It was beautiful, it really was but at the same time, it was so so ugly. I still could never understand fully how a simple mark could make me so different from everyone else. Why this mark is the reason people have nightmares, why families and loved ones were lost. Was I the only deatheater who hadn't killed? Had my mother?

Before I let my mind run away with itself, Tracey came strolling out of the bathroom and I quickly pulled my sleeve back down as we walked towards the door.

"Ready?" She asked, obviously hinting to talking to Harry.

"We'll do it first class, we have Care of Magical Creatures first" I explained and she nodded as we both head down to the common room.

Once we stepped out, my eyes immediately fell on the sight in front of me and I furrowed my brows. Daphne and Draco were sitting on the couches, Daphne giggling at something that Draco must've said and she had her hand placed on his thigh. He wasn't shoving her off...

Neither of them had even noticed the two of us walk in and I felt the rage bubbling inside of me. Tracey must've noticed my anger building up as she linked her arms with mine.

"What a bitch" She whispered in shock and I could feel tears building up in my eyes. No. I would not cry over a boy. We weren't even officially dating!

"Let's go Tracey" I said loud enough for the two to hear and their heads shot towards us as I pulled Tracey towards the exit to the common room.

"Amaris!" I heard Draco call but I didn't bother turning around.

"Piss off" Was all I said before strutting our and heading towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

Once out of earshot of the dungeons, Tracey spoke up.

"I can't believe what we just saw. Daphne! Fucking Daphne!" She yelled and I was taken back by her language. She had never really swore before. "Of all people for Merlins sake what is wrong with her. I could never do that to a friend" She ranted and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Why didn't he push her hand off? I'm so confused. He told me last night that they had been friends before I started here but that's all really" I told her and she looked deep in thought.

"I didn't know they were friends" She said as we walked into the Great Hall and over to the Slytherin table.

"Neither did Blaise".

"Neither did I what?" Blaise but in as we took our seats opposite him and I sighed. My mood for today was officially ruined by them two ass holes.

"We just saw Daphne and Malfoy sitting in the common room looking a little... cosy" Tracey explained glancing over at me and Blaises mouth dropped.

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