Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up the next morning feeling not so great as I shot up from my bed and ran straight to the bathroom, and within seconds had my head in the toilet.

"You too?" A soft voice said from behind me as the person held my hair back whilst I spewed all of last nights decisions into the toilet. I groaned once I had finished and rested my head on the toilet seat. Classy, I know.

"I'm dying" I said dramatically as Daphne came into view.

"No you're not. But if it makes you feel any better, Tracey has been vomiting too, like non stop" Daphne said with a giggle as Tracey raced into the bathroom towards me.

"Move" she ordered, her hand covering her mouth as the other pushed me to the side and she began spewing in the toilet after me. Delightful.

"You two are a handful" Daphne laughed and I joined in after a moment of patting Tracey's back.

"What time is it?" I asked suddenly, remembering it was a school day.

"Only 6:30am. We have time" She reassured me, but I knew she wanted the story from last night.

"Yeah. We got time for gossiping!!" Tracey squealed as she spat out the remaining sick and I looked at her in disgust.

"You are so ladylike" I said sarcastically whilst flushing the toilet and helping Tracey up.

"Aren't I just" she grinned.

"Just let me shower and i'll be at your service" I joked whilst ushering them out of the bathroom. I sighed and removed my clothes, stepping into the shower.

After about 20 minutes I heard someone banging on the door. "Hurry up, Villin, some of us need to shower too" I heard Pansy's annoying ass voice shriek from our dorm room.

"Won't be a minute" I said sweetly as I took my time stepping out the shower and pulling on the clean uniform I had brought in with me. I let my hair dry into lose curls down my back and applied lotion to my face. I didn't need makeup today, I couldn't be arsed.

Stepping out I saw the furious faces of Pansy and Millicent stomping over to me but I brushed them off and head straight towards Tracey and Daphne who were dressed and waiting for me.

"Come on, breakfast starts soon. We have 10 minutes for you to explain what the hell happened!!" Tracey yelled excitedly along with Daphne so I sat them down and grabbed my wand.

"Muffliato" I muttered to make sure the other two wouldn't hear, then went into a detailed explanation of what happened in the room with Draco...

By the time i'd finished, the two were sitting there wide eyed with huge grins on their faces. "Oh shut up you two" I said and they just grinned even wider. "Let's go" I said, grabbing my wand and head for the stairs.

"I can't believe this! Draco Malfoy didn't take advantage of you! Did you curse him or something?" Tracey joked and I rolled my eyes.

The three of us head down the stairs and stepped out into the common room when all of a sudden all eyes were on us as per bloody usual.

"How do you look so bloody good" Blaise said, stepping out in front of me. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Draco a bit further behind him, glaring daggers into his back. He mustn't of told him.

"Thanks, Zabini" I said with a bemused expression on my face and I saw Draco's glare turn into a smirk as he stared straight at me.

I walked around Blaise and towards Draco, the girls following behind me.

"Hey" was all I managed to blurt out and he chuckled.

"Hey" he responded cooly. Then there was a long, awkward silence.

Addicted to You {Draco Malfoy Love Story} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora