Chapter Seventeen

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I finally made it up to the 7th floor panting ridiculously after all those bloody steps. I'm so unfit it's shocking.

Just as I was catching my breath, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind and pulled me through... a door? A door that was literally not there seconds before. I squealed in fright and quickly jabbed my elbows back, catching the person right in the ribs.

"What the fuck..!" I heard a strong Irish accent exclaim and I turned to face the boy I had met the day before.

"Don't you EVER put your hands on me like that again, got it!?" I yelled as he rubbed his chest lightly and nodded quickly. My eyes then turned and scanned the room that was filled with a number of students all staring at us both. Ugh.

"Sorry... Seamus right?" I asked calmly and he nodded. "You just gave me a fright, that's all" I finished with a small smile which he returned.

"Yeah, I don't know what reaction I was expecting to be honest" He said with a chuckle and I giggled slightly.

"Amaris! You made it!" I heard a soft voice exclaim from behind Seamus and I peered over his shoulder. Ah Luna Lovegood again. She seems so sweet!

"Hi Luna!" I said with a grin on my face and I got some weird looks from around the room, which I returned with glares. After a few more moments I saw Harry appear from the small gathering of people.

"Here, sign your name on this if you're serious about being apart of the DA" He spoke up with uncertainty in his tone whilst handing me a piece of parchment and a self inking quill. He clearly still doesn't trust me. Eh, he probably shouldn't. I'm only here for the shits and giggles.

"Fine, give it here then" I said snatching it from him and signing my name at the bottom of the list of names. "There" I said handing it back to him with a smirk on my face and he just stared before walking away and heading towards the centre of the room.

"Today I was thinking we could start off with basic spells, a disarming spell?" He spoke up clearly and everyone stayed silent. I however was utterly confused.

"A disarming spell?" I asked in disbelief and heads shot towards me. "You people don't know how to perform a simple disarming spell?" I frowned, completely shocked and a couple of students heads looked down to the floor in shame. Seamus nudged me from the side.

"Hey, not everyone here has mastered things like that yet. That's what these meetings are for, to learn. Not to be shamed for not knowing something" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I told you we shouldn't trust her" I heard Harry mutter and I glared at him but didn't respond to his idiotic comment.

"I suppose so, Seamus. C'mon then, let's get to it!" I said enthusiastically as I pulled my wand out and I saw another boy from yesterday grinning. Neville, I think it is.

"Well since you already know what you're doing, Amaris, you can teach along with me" Harry said and I nodded. This could be fun.

"So which of you losers needs help with this then?" I said jokingly and Harry shot me another glare. "Calm down, i'm just playing with you" I said with a giggle as students' hands started to go up in the air.

"You take a couple over that side to practice with and i'll take another group. Then we'll come together and we can all practice on each other" Harry said and I nodded again, gesturing a number of students to follow me to the other side of the room. I'm guessing this is the room of requirement, I thought.

"So... what are we going to practice on?" A nervous younger Gryffindor asked me and I looked over to Harry's group who had a mannequin to practice on.

Addicted to You {Draco Malfoy Love Story} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora