Chapter Five

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The next morning I woke up to a pair of arms shaking me. I slapped them away and pulled the covers over my head again, definitely not ready to get up yet. I loved sleeping.

"Marissssss come on get up!! It's almost 7am!!" someone yelled, and I recognised it as Tracey's voice.

I groaned and rolled over onto my back, however just as I did, another body jumped onto me and I groaned again.

"Are you kidding me!!" I shouted, making the two jump but laugh at the same time.

"Breakfast is at 7:30 and classes start at 9" Daphne said. She sounded way too happy for this time of the morning.

"And your point is?" I asked, drooling a little still half asleep.

Next thing I knew I was being pulled up by my arms and I groaned again. "It's not going to take me 2 hours to get ready and eat breakfast! It's not even 7 yet!" I yelled as I sat up, leaning back against my arms.

"No, but you do need to collect your timetable from McGonagall, I want us to compare!!" Tracey yelled excitedly and I rolled my eyes in protest but stepped out of bed anyways. I noticed that the two had already gotten half dressed and just needed to add their ties and robes, which I hadn't received yet.

I made my way to our shared bathroom and showered quickly, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I stepped out in just my towel and picked out some underwear from my wardrobe, a white long sleeved button up shirt, a short black pleated skirt and a pair of thin black tights. I quickly dressed and tucked my shirt into my skirt, then pulling on my black high heeled ankle boots. I was only 5 foot 1, so I really needed these bloody heels. It's hard to be intimidating when you're so short.

I stepped back into the bathroom and sprayed my favourite body spray which smelt like fresh roses. I applied a thin layer of mascara, grabbed my wand to dry my hair and added slight curls at the bottom before I decided I was finished.

I took pride in my appearance. My father had once said to me that alls I have going for myself are my looks, and that they could get me far in life. Of course at the time I didn't realise how bloody offensive and degrading that was, so I just kinda grew up admiring my looks. I am grateful for the way I look however.

I stepped out of the bathroom and the girls stopped to look at me. "It's honestly not fair how pretty you are!" Daphne whined and Tracey joined in, "Yeah, you just had to come here looking like a model and make us look even worse didn't you!" She added.

"Speak for yourself!" Daphne yelled back at Tracey and I giggled.

"Stop it, don't put yourselves down like that. Everyone is beautiful in their own way" I said looking at them both.

"Oh great, and she has the personality of an angel too. Bloody brilliant" Daphne said, making us all laugh once again.

I grabbed my wand off my bedside table and stuffed it into the side of my skirt again like I always do and we made our way down the stairs. I didn't bother putting on a jacket as I assumed someone would be giving me my Slytherin robes at some point.

As we reached the common room there were a fair few boys in there, and I spotted Theodore who just whistled at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and we made our way out the portrait hole and towards the Great Hall.

"You're like fresh meat to these boys. Wait til Malfoy tries to swoon you" Daphne cooed, and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Nobody will be swooning me anytime soon" I added with a chuckle.

"How can you be so sure of that?"

We all turned to see Blaise following us, along with Crabbe and Goyle.

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