Chapter 36 - Gucci or Versace?

Start from the beginning

"Good morning Nero! Bro, do I have news for you. So you know... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"

Matthew's sudden outburst scared the living daylights out of me and visibly jumped up. I go into defence mode and looked around for anything suspicious. Only to find nothing. My tone came out urgent, "What? What is it?"

"What is THAT?!" This time Pearl had her eyes open wide and was staring at my lips in interest. Matthew brought up his finger to poke at the ring at the corner of my lip. That's when it occurred to me what the outburst was about. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, YOU SHITTY BOSS? THAT'S WHY YOU FUCKING SCREAMED AT MY FACE LIKE A LUNATIC?! My internal wrath didn't show on my face but I disbelievingly breathed out, "You mean my lip piercing?"


It's quiet between the three of us for a moment before I see the expectation in his eyes. This motherfucker expects an answer to his question... When I already answered his question.

"... It's my lip piercing?"

Now he was blinking at me like I was the stupid one. "I know that."

I couldn't hold it in. "Then why the fuck did y—"

"What I MEANT is when the fuck did you get that?"

"That's not what you asked. You asked—"


The interaction between us gathered a giggle out of Pearl that was muffled by her bad attempt at holding it back.

I rolled my eyes at Matthew. "Geez, no need to get snappy."

"I swear to fucking go—"

"I always had a lip piercing."

"... No you didn't"

"Uh, yeah I did."

"Uh, no you didn't."

"With all due respect boss, I would fucking know when I got my piercing and when I didn't since I'M THE ONE WHO GOT IT."

"Ok but I've never seen you with it before today."

Ohmygodhowishemyboss? How did he get hired? I'm going to get a migraine before work even begins. I rubbed my forehead with my thumb and pointer in order to prevent any upcoming pain. I ground out in annoyance, "The reason you haven't seen me with this is because facial piercings and a multitude of ear piercings are not part of the uniform. Meaning, I'm NOT ALLOWED to wear it."

"... Oh yeah. Could've just said so. No need to be crabby."

"This dumb bitch, I oughta—"

I didn't finish my jibe because Pearl was unable to hold it in anymore and was legitimately rolling on the floor laughing. Well, it was more crouching on the floor laughing but pish, posh. Her laughter lightened the already light-hearted mood and brought a smile to both our faces.

"Hey, gang." Mason joined our group and was confused by the current sight. "Uh, why is Pearl losing her shit on the floor?" He looked back up to us for an explanation but before either of us could say anything, the man's eyes enlarged and he bubbly exclaimed, "Holy shit! Is that a lip piercing?"

An involuntary, annoyed groan came out of me and I gave him a flat expression. "Yes. It is. It is the stem cause for Pearl's fall. Look, we have time since we need to actually clock in. Do you just want to sit down in the sitting area and I'll just give you the backstory? Because you guys are definitely going to pester me about a backstory."

Enthusiastic nods are the only responses I get from my friends (You heard me bitches. F r i e n d s o t h e r t h a n A i d e n. I will never let this live down). We sit and begin explaining the short story. It was just a bet. If I manage to not burn a single element of cooking pasta, I wouldn't have to get a piercing with him. He also gets to choose where it goes. I burnt the pasta. So yeah, he got an eyebrow piercing whilst he got me the lip piercing.

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