Twenty three

425 29 1

Minju's POV

"A-Ahahaha right.."

'But its your fault... Your hand is so soft...' Taking her position now, I look at the knife then stare at the ingredients.

'Wait... I-I never bake before...'

I froze staring at the ingredients until i heard Chaewon-nii.




"I-I'm a bit hurt you know.."

"A-Ahh.." Chaewon-nii pat my head and mumble.

"Sorry.." She said, I look down and nod until.

"Minjoo gattoo.." Chaewon-nii laugh, I look at her and crosses my arms in frustration.

"Atleast tell me what to do first..?" I pout, Chaewon-nii stand beside me and hold the knife cutting ingredients from its packaging.

"You have to mix this like this.." She began putting the ingredients but I stare at her face.

'Its so distracting..'

"Hmm..." She let go of the whisk.

"Woah.. So thats how they make macaroons.." I look at the mixture and it looks like its ready for baking.

"Mm.. Let me just find something that we can use for the shaping of the maca-" I gently touch the mixture so it is now on my finger then I hold her shoulder, when she face me I damp it in her cheek giggling.

"W-What the heck Minju!" She back away and I laugh.

"Payback Chaewon-nii.." I laugh more.

"But Chaewon-nii.. You look cute.." I smile and wash my hand on the faucet hoping we can start baking now.

"We can bake now Chaewon-nii-"

"M-Minju..." I look at her and she was already standing beside me, I notice she have the mixture on her fingers, I dont like what she will do.

"W-What unnie..?" I back away, she was smirking, I'm starting to get scared.

"I-I just had a bath and you did this..-" She tried to tackled me until I was cornered on the wall.

'Dead end..'

"L-Look I'm sorry Chaewon-nii but let my face have a rest.. I-I just put some powde-" She grab both of my hand making me immobalized also the mixture got applied my skin, I sigh struggling bit then she let go, I win..

"E-Eh-" I suddenly trip into something making me hold into Chaewon's shoulder falling on top of her, I close my eyes. For the second time on my life I am on top of her.

'So soft and sweet...' I slowly open my eyes and I saw Chaewon-nii, her brown orbs are hidding close, her soft lips sealed on mine and her hand protectively hugging my waist while the other rest on my cheek. At first she didnt move but then after a few moment she kiss me back sweetly. The girl that is alledgedly my cousin and the girl I like is kissing me.

'C-Chaewon-u-unnie...' I deepen the kiss hoping this will last forever. To be honest I didnt expect this side of Chaewon-nii, I did my best to not put too much weight on her body as I put my weight on my arms on the both side of her body. After the moment the need of air parted us.

'I-I need a much better lungs...'

"M-Minju..?" Chaewon-nii look at me still panting, I stood up from her lap but she pull me down again making me hug her, both of our bodies are resting pn eachother. Maybe for unnie I'm not that heavy.

"T-Tell me... That night really happend.. When we are at the car.. You kissed me.." She said panting while my head is burried on her shoulder, I slowly wrap my arms around her body, and nod.

"But why did you hide it from me..? I asked you about it today and you said its just a dream.." Chaewon-nii stroke my hair making me more comfortable in our position.

'S-Should I tell her..? I know I shouldnt lie but..'

"I'm sorry C-Chaewon-nii..." My tears fall down again, but she just hug me tighter, my tears are staining on her hoodie.

"Its fine now... Calm down Minju.. Did you forget? We still have to bake right?" She pat my head and I move away from her, I stood up and wipe my tears.

"H-Hmm.." I smile a bit and walk to the table grabbing the baking pan.

'So... That will just end like that?'

"Minju..." Chaewon-nii back hug me, I froze on my spot as I feel her breathing on my neck.

"C-Chaewon... unnie..?"

"Minju if I admit I like you... Do you like me back to..?" She suddenly ask, I didnt mumble a word and just look down hoping my hair will hide my red cheeks.

"Will I take that as a silence means yes?" She ask again still not moving away from me.

'Until I havent see the result of this DNA test that I will do.. I have to endure this...'

"I-I will think about it- Yah!" Chaewon-nii suddenly peck on my neck and stand beside me giggling holding a piping bag for the macaron shells and filling.

"Lets bake now.." She look at me and smile, I nod and smile back trying to forget what did just happend.


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