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The wards and incantations surrounding the Malfoy Manor only allowed us to Apparate outside of the gates, much like Hogwarts. The night sky was still ever present yet sun was barely coming up, a cold breeze hit me. Draco's hand was still laced in mine as we ran through the gate and up the winding pathway to the Manor leaving the black Apparation smoke in our wake. My mind whirled with a thousand thoughts and I heard the sound of Apparating behind us. Death Eaters followed us to the hideout.

"Draco— Adelaide!" a voice called in front of us.

The front double doors opened wide to reveal Narcissa Malfoy, in a long black dress, looking distressed and worried. The alarms probably warned her of new presence. But her arms were opened wide and welcoming as we made our way up the steps to her. Without hesitation, Draco and I ran into her loving arms and hugged her tightly.

"Is it done?" a cold voice said from behind Narcissa.

"It is done, Bella," a deep voice answered from behind us: Snape.

"Are you alright?" Narcissa pulled back from us and stared from her son to me.

Draco merely nodded, afraid to use his own voice. I couldn't even move, I felt cold and numb— Dumbledore said killing isn't easy, and he was right, neither was watching someone get killed.

"Go to your rooms," Narcissa whispered in our ears. "Straight to your rooms, go."

With a single nod from Draco, she moved out of the way and allowed us to go straight to our rooms. Bellatrix said nothing except gave us a sneering smile, showing her rotten teeth. She was proud the deed was done.

"Draco," I choked as he pulled me into his room.

The events of the last few hours hit me. I was terrified and regretted everything, from lying to myself and everyone to placing the Full-body Curse on Longbottom.

"Adelaide," said Draco, pulling me close to him.

Together, we fell onto the floor, my legs giving out and him holding me close as if I'd disappear in moments.

"M-Muffliato," I pulled my white wand from my sleeve and waved in around.

"What's wrong?" he asked as we only soundproofed the room whenever we didn't want to be overheard.

"I- I need to tell you something," I cried.

"Anything," he breathed.

I shook my head and more tears fell, "p-promise to not be upset with me?"

"Adelaide, you could never say anything that would upset me as much as you think," he frowned, stroking my hair.

My lips trembled at the idea of his reaction and projected hatred at me. My only true friend, the only family I know, the guy that I... like— if he hated me, I would die on the spot.

"You're worrying me, Lady," he said sadly.

"I– I lied to you," I whispered looked down at my arm.

I didn't dare look at him, but his reaction was what I had expected: Draco's hand stopped playing with my hair and his body stiffened.

"What?" he breathed.

Slowly, I lifted my head and looked up at him with full fear drawn on my face. He looked confused and worried.

"W-When I first met you on the train to H-Hogwarts," I started, "I- I told you I was... a-a p-p-pureblood witch f-from America..."

Draco's eyebrows knitted together in pure confusion, but no anger— yet.

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