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It was the first week of June and the start of summer, but for us fifth years this meant only one thing: O.W.L.s.

Our teachers were no longer setting us homework; lessons were devoted to reviewing those topics their teachers thought most likely to come up in the exams. I was studying like crazy, almost driving myself mad, while Draco and Pansy cared more about Umbridge's little club than cramming for O.W.L.s.

Our first exam, Theory of Charms, was scheduled for Monday morning. I agreed to help Draco and Pansy study for the test after lunch on Sunday, but regretted it almost at once. The both of them were too busy laughing that I finally grew agitated and chucked the thick book at them. They didn't ask me to help them any more after that.

It was an uncomfortable sort of an evening in the Slytherin common room. Everyone was trying to do some last-minute studying but nobody seemed to be getting very far.

None of the fifth years talked very much at breakfast next day either. Even from across the room I could see how frazzled Granger was from the quick glances I look as I reread Achievement in Charming so fast that my eyes appeared blurred.

Once breakfast was over, the fifth and seventh years milled around in the entrance hall while the other students went off to lessons. Then, at half-past nine, we were called forward class by class to reenter the Great Hall.

The four House tables had been removed and replaced instead with many tables for one, all facing the staff-table end of the Hall where Professor McGonagall stood facing us. When we were all seated and quiet she said, "You may begin," and turned over an enormous hourglass on the desk beside her, on which were also spare quills, ink bottles, and rolls of parchment.

Turning my paper over, my heart thumped hard in my chest. But once I looked down at my paper, I smiled at the first question, I knew this. Most of my exams went as such. The only problem I had with exams was that they weren't done by House, but done by subject, meaning Gryffindors and Slytherins had exams together.

By the end of the second week, all of my 'hard' exams were over and I felt good about my final exam, despite the crazy hiccup Hogwarts encountered. Hagrid had been attacked by Ministry officials during the fifth year Astronomy final. Draco didn't even try to make fun of the situation as, I could tell, he didn't want to upset me.

Our last exam was our first lesson's, History of Magic. Throughout muggle school and my time at Hogwarts, I've been fond of History. But the exam was not. Much like Astronomy, this examination did not go well. Although there weren't any Stunners or battles, a lot of commotion went on.

I had finished my exam rather early and went through it a few more times before putting my quill down and smiling triumphantly to myself. Looking around the Hall, I found Harry's wild black hair in his arms— he had fallen asleep. Weak. To my left, Draco was diligently writing on his paper while Pansy seemed to be doodling, to my right. I narrowed my eyes at Harry, watching him.

I had to be watching him for about ten minutes, but he hadn't moved. But suddenly, Harry screamed and fell sideways off his desk onto the marble floor. As Harry hit the ground, he continued to yell and shot open his eyes looking around. People around him laughed at his childish outburst while my eyes only widened.

Harry had long gone been escorted to the Hospital Wing, and the exam was long over, when I came across a suspicious looking Luna Lovegood came around.

"Luna?" I asked. "Why do you look like that?"

"Oh, Lady, hi," she said. "How are you?"

"You're being very suspicious," I said. "What are you hiding?"

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