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The Malfoy Manor was a very handsome manor house surrounded by elaborate gardens, including a fountain. The gravel driveway to the manor house is wide and has a large hedge curving alongside it. The driveway and hedge go past a pair of. These gates permit select individuals to pass through them as if they are smoke. The yew hedge wore albino peacocks roving along the top of it. The outside of the manor was grand and the land surrounding it is vast, filling many acres. Those acres contain numerous types of trees and various plant and perhaps other animal life

The front door swings inward at the approach of a person without anyone visibly opening it allowing me to see the beautiful, sharp decor of the interior. The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering the stone floor. The walls of the entrance hall display pale-faced portraits lining the walls, and at the end of the hall is the bronze-handled door to the drawing room.

"Dobby!" Lucius Malfoy shouted sharply. A small odd looking creature appeared in front of him, looking down at his feet. Dobby, a house-elf, stood much shorter than us, barely three feet. He had large, tennis-ball-like green eyes, a pencil-like nose and long, bat-like pointed ears was dressed in a body-covering pillowcase.

"Take our guest to the west wing room that connects to Draco's room," he insturcted.

"Yes, Master," Dobby said.

For some unknown reason, Mr Malfoy hit Dobby over the head with his cane as Dobby beckoned me to follow him. I suppressed a gasp as Draco gave me wide, warning eyes. Slowly, I followed the house-elf down the dark hall and towards my temporary room.

"T-This is your room, Miss," he said, opening the door.

The room was perfect, not a thing out of place. The decor was black and white, no other color decorated the area. The large four-poster bed sat in the middle of the room, pushed up against a wall with floor-to-ceiling windows on either side. On the far right of the room was a large white marble fireplace with a loveseat sitting in front of it and a white tiger rug laying in between them; opposite of that was a large black door, probably the door that connected to Draco's room with a large black wardrobe next to it.

"Do you like it, Miss?"

"Dobby, this room is beautiful," I smiled. "I love it."

"Glad to be of service, Miss."

"Call me Lady please," I said.

"Yes, Miss Lady."

"Good enough," I laughed at his attempt.

Dobby quickly left, disappearing on the spot, and a few moments later, a knock echoed through the empty room from the large black door by the wardrobe. Walking over, I opened the door to see Draco in a large room with no bed.

"Settled?" he asked.

"Yes, your house-elf is nice," I said.

"It's actually Father's house-elf," said Draco. "And forewarning, I don't know your ideals on house-elves, but here we don't take kindly to them really."

"Oh," I nodded.

Draco seemed to have noticed my discontent and added, "it's not me, but my father really. Anyways, I came to say that dinner will be in ten minutes. I reckon you get ready. Wear something formal. If you need help, call for Quintzy, she's my house-elf and will help you."

"Thank you," I nodded and he closed the door. "Quintzy?"

Instantly, another house-elf popped up in front of me. She was much smaller than Dobby and had big brown fearful eyes that matched Dobby's green ones. Quintzy, too, wore a pillowcase as clothes.

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