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As the month progressed, I heard horrible things about Professor Umbridge and her reign as High Inquisitor along with more outbursts of Gryffindors, specifically Harry Potter. Umbridge seemed to have taken a liking to Slytherins and began to treat us how Dumbledore treats Gryffindor.

Finally, the date of the first Hogsmeade trip was posted for the first weekend in October. From what I could see, the little tetrad had been more secretive about their movements and usual frolics, causing suspicion. I hadn't been around them much being that Draco seemed to have laid off on his taunting due as Umbridge seemed to keep most of Harry's time in detention.

Though, the Thursday before the Hogsmeade weekend, Granger asked to speak to me after our Potions lesson.

"I'll see you back at the common room," I told Draco, who gave me a raised eyebrow.

He shared the same disdain towards Granger that his father held, hence his reluctance in letting me speak with her. I gave Draco another narrowed look and he turned to Pansy and walked away with her.

"Lovely," Granger said. "Let's go to the library, I need to talk to you."

"Why can't you tell me here?" I said suspiciously.

Granger sighed, clearly hearing my doubtfulness, and said, "fine, can I trust you?"

"Why do you need my trust?" I raised a brow.

"I knew this was a bad idea," she scoffed and turned away.

"Wait!" I called after her, grabbing her arm. "It's an instant reaction to test you. But yes, you can trust me, I suppose. But if it has to do what we spoke about last year on the train—"

"No, nothing like that," Granger said quickly. "More like... I'll tell you, but you have to meet me at—"

"Another meeting? Why do I get the feeling you want to be friends?" I pouted, mockingly. Granger narrowed her eyes at me and looked as though she were losing her patience, so I sighed and added, "fine, where?"

"Hog's Head— eleven o'clock— come by yourself," she said very sternly. "It is crucial you lose your friends and only you come. It's a... secret alright?"

"And what is it?"

"A... study group to learn Defense," said Granger after much silent inner-deliberation.

"And why invite me?"

"Harry seems to have taken a liking to you and it seems only fair that you have an opportunity to learn correct Defense lessons," she said, though it sounded as if she were trying to convince herself more than me.

"Am I the only Slytherin you told?" I raised my brow.

Granger gulped and gave me a sheepish smile, "I said why I've told you, and, as much as we seem to not like each other, you are keen on getting top marks. I'd be upset if I didn't have proper competition being I'd have the upper hand if I didn't invite you."

"How chivalrous of you," I mocked.

She narrowed her eyes and me and sighed, "are you going to go or not?"

"I'll think about it," I smirked and walked away from her.

But that was why, at ten-thirty, I told Draco I was going to go back to the castle— girl problems, I said. He wrinkled his nose and left with Pansy, who gave me a pitying frown. Rolling my eyes, I made my way to the rundown pub. A battered wooden sign hung from a rusty bracket over the door, with a picture upon it of a wild boar's severed head leaking blood onto the white cloth around it, welcomed me. Walking in, I found a seat in the far corner, away from lingering students and watchful adults.

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