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"Nothing is working!" Draco shouted and slammed his hands against the Vanishing Cabinet.

"We'll get it, eventually," I muttered.

"We have to! We have no choice," he raised his voice at me.

"I know you're upset— I'm just as angry, but you don't have to raise your voice at me," I said sharply. "I'm trying to help you. A little thanks can go a long way."

"Thank you, Lady," Draco mumbled into my hair as he pulled me into a hug.

I found that, most the time, when Draco hugged me, it was to comfort himself rather than me.

"Let's go eat lunch," I said, looking up at his dull eyes.

Draco nodded and I held his hand as we made our way out to the seventh floor corridor and down the stone steps. Instead of using Crabbe and Goyle for look outs, Draco and I decided to sneak around alone.

It was nearing a Saturday afternoon so not many people were around in the corridors. The season had officially progressed towards the end of spring which caused more stress than relief. Draco and I had only three weeks left to figure out the Vanishing Cabinet and finish our task. The entrance hall was almost empty, but, in the Great Hall, there was a small crowd in between the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables.

"Reckon what that is?" I muttered to Draco as he let go of my hand and placed them on my hip, protectively.

"I don't know, I can't really see," he said, as he was much taller than me and could have seen above the heads. "It looks as though they're huddling around a girl."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and turned to go over to the Slytherin table, but my eyes caught on familiar ones.

The crowd had begun to disperse and reveal the girl in the centre. Our eyes met and her face paled, as did mine. Katie Bell stood ten feet away from me, the only thing in between us was air and Harry Potter. At Bell's ashened face, Harry turned and saw Draco and me standing at the entrance.

Katie Bell gasped at the same moment I did and we backed away at the same time. Harry had already turned to look back at the girl by the time Draco pulled me away and out of the Great Hall. I felt like I was choking.

We ran to the first bathroom we could find and Draco pushed me in. Sobs fell out of my chest as I tried to strip off my cardigan, but Draco stopped me and I knew why: If anyone were to walk in, they'd see the Dark Mark on my forearm, only the cardigan was hiding the ink.

"Lady... Lady, please," he whispered to me, "tell me what's happened? You're shaking!"

I shook my head and sobbed even harder. I don't want to do this anymore, I thought to myself.

"Lady, please talk to me," Draco pushed my hair out of my face. "I'm all you've got, please don't shut me out."

"Draco, what have we done?" I pushed away from Draco and leaned over one of the rusted white sinks. I felt my chest heave with more sobs.

"We've got to, Adelaide," Draco rubbed my back.

"Don't cry," I heard a soft, haunting voice. "Tell us what's wrong... We can help you..."

"No one can help us, Myrtle," I said as I felt my body shake. "It won't work... a-and I saw her... everything is going wrong... We've got to do it soon... he says he'll kill us..."

"Adelaide," Draco said softly and I looked up in the mirror to see him, but instead met emerald green eyes.

I gasped and wheeled around, drawing my wand. At my fast movement, Draco drew his wand as well and threw a quick hex towards Harry. Draco quickly pushed me out of the way as Harry shot a jinx at us, hitting the sink behind me and caused water to go everywhere.

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