chapter thirty

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Hey guyss
I hope y'all are good?
This chapter is dedicated to @janediva and @_leesah. Thank you for reminding me, countless times to update.
I also appreciate all of you who followed me through this worthwhile journey, I love y'all.😚😵😩😚😚


Joviana got into the compound, it was decorated with flowers, there was a pathway between the flowers that led to the front door of the house , the air smelt fresh and Joviana breathed in deeply.
" I like it here" she commented as kelly opened the door for her to go in.
" I'm glad you do, have a seat" Kelly smiled warmly.
The living room was painted dark blue  and there were sparkles on it, the chairs were white and spotless.  There was also a fluorescent light that shone brightly. A few paintings and portraits were on the wall too.
"What do I get for you?" Kelly asked as Joviana sank into the comfy sofa:

I'd like teem lemon , do you have it?" Joviana asked smiling.
" I'm now a barman abi" he giggled " I have it"  he then walked in to go get it.
Soon they settled in their seats sipping their drinks.
" soo, I agree it's a set up but can you tell me how it happened" Joviana asked thoughtfully.

' I didn't like your sister at first, or maybe I did, it was a tiny weeny crush , Natasha found me in the toilet masturbating, she recorded it and used it to black mail me."

" Obviously, but how did she post the video without her name showing on it?" Joviana asked
Kelly looked at her as if she had grown horns and just then she realised that her question was stupid, Natasha could have easily used another person's phone or just edit her name to 'anonymous' only a computer expert could know the phone it was posted from through the use of sophisticated technology.
"Sorry my question was stupid " she finally said
" it's okay, it actually made me realise we could pin the video to Natasha or anyone who did it"
" okay, but Natasha made you date Julia right?" She asked
" yes, she did but it was after I had started liking her a lot, she wanted someone close to Julia so she could easily monitor your movements" kelly explained
" wow, she's an evil maniac" Joviana said.
" we know"
" so, first thing we do is find out who posted the video"
" I know someone"  kelly said happily and booked an uber with his phone.
Soon, they were on their way somewhere around the computer village.

" Are you mad? Why are you asking me for more money, I've told you, I'm broke" Natasha shouted into the phone.
" you dare not shout at me, you brat, I need the money before the end of this week or else.."  Desmond said threatingly and hung up.
" crazy bastard" she mumbled and flung her phone on the couch and continued watching tv.
Her plans were going smoothly, she just called Nathan to say she loved him and he said he still loved her. She almost died blushing.

" I hope you've gotten over that Joviana girl,she just used you to get attention " She had said.
" uhmm, guess so." He replied quietly before putting the call to an abrupt end.

In not less than 30 minutes, Joviana and kelly arrived at the computer complex.
" get down" kelly said to Joviana and then payed off the taxi driver.
" we're going in, I know someone who can help us with the tracking "
" ohh, cool" Joviana said and started running towards the building.
" wait up!" Kelly laughed while trying to catch up with her.

Soon, they were seated in a white room humming with noise from computers and other electronic gadgets.
" guy, what did you say you need?" The guy sitting behind one of the computers asked.
" I want you to help me track a video, as in I want to know the phone it was posted from" kelly said quickly.
" okay ,that one is not a problem, but won'tyou introduce me to your babe?" He asked smiling cunningly.
" Seun, you'll never change" kelly laughed.
" she isn't my babe, just a friend" he continued.

" Give me her number na" he laughed
Joviana was starting to feel uncomfortable as she hated when people talk about her like she was a ghost who couldn't hear what they were saying.
She coughed awkwardly trying to remind them that she was still there.

" Pardon my manners, I'm Seun, a computer expert"  he said putting up his hand for a handshake.
" I'm Joviana " she said ignoring his handshake.

" hmm, let me see the video" seun said putting down his hand, a bit embarrased.
Kelly showed him the video.
" na you sef, how e take enter here?"he said watching the video like it was a completely normal thing.
" yeah, it's me, just find out who posted it" kelly mummured.

The place was quiet for a while as the expert worked on it.

" it was posted from a samsung phone, the owner is Desmond Aguiyi, lives in this state , in Trevor steet" Seun said with a look of triumph on his face.
" Thanks man" kelly said as he scribbled these details on a rough sheet he found on the table.
" You're welcome bro, just be careful about these things" he winked .
Theee duo walked out of the office with unsaid words hanging thickly in the air above them.
" Who's Desmond?" Joviana finally asked.
" I was wondering too".

" Are you sure you can do this alone?" Kelly asked Joviana via a phone call.
He was asking if he could come to school so he could report their findings to the principal.
" I can, I don't think the principal would want to see you on her premises talkless of hearing you out" Joviana reasoned.

" hmm, you're right" Kelly said
" I sure am, I have to go now, I'll call you if I need you " she hung up and stepped out of the house to join Julia.
" let's go, we are almost late for assembly, what took you so long?"

" last words with kelly before the show starts" she said laughing.
They arrived at school seconds before the bell was rung so they couldn't make it to their classes to drop their bags.
Julia headed for the assembly while joviana , the principal's office.
" goodmorning ma" she greeted as she stepped into the office.
" Just the person I was looking for, have your seat"
The principal said with no emotions.
" I hope I'm not in trouble ma" Joviana asked, she was scared.

" Not exactly, where is your sister?" She questioned.
" At the assembly ground ma."

She picked up her intercom and instructed the secretary to fetch Julia.

Julia soon appeared in  the office looking confused.
" Have your seat."  The principal said calmly.
"Bring him in!" She said loudly and two police officers walked in with a boy in hand cuffs.
" Julia, do you know this boy?" The principal asked.
Julia stared at the face for a while.
" he looks like the person that beat me up nights ago, I'm not sure, it was dark"
" well he is, young lady, his name is Desmond " one of the police officers concurred.

" hmm, is this true?" The principal asked Julia.

" like I said, I'm not sure, it was dark. But since the police men confirmed then it has to be true" she replied.
" officers, please take him back, let me call a person " the principal picked up her intercom and instructed the secretary to fetch Natasha.

Natasha walked into the office calmly.
The principal didn't bother replying her greetings. " who is Desmond, do you know him"
" err.. hm , no, I mean yes" Natasha was jittery. The game was over.
" the video was traced to Desmond Aguiyi and he said you paid him to beat up Julia too, all because of a boy, I'm dissapointed in you, trying to blackmail your senior too, ahh? I can't believe I have such a student among us" the principal shook her head.
" ma, I can explain" she was crying now.
" you're such a great actress" joviana said angrily.
" so it was all for a boy, you even dragged my sister into it" joviana was boiling and wanted to slap Natasha, she did just that .
" that's enough, officers come and take her  away" the principal instructed.
As Natasha sighted the two policemen and Desmond in hand cuffs, she fainted.
Joviana left the office to call kelly, he had been vindicated.

Thanks for your patience loves, I'd write a proper appreciation for all of you.
Thanks for sticking with me.
I love youuuuuuuu😚😚
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