Chapter twenty

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I updated again.😂
Please don't give up on this story.
I'm writing straight from my head incase you dunno.
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It was another day at school but this one was going to have a lot of drama.
The ss one students gathered round in a circle, they were playing truth or dare. Joviana never liked this game but Harrison had succeeded in convincing almost the whole class to play, everyone was playing except for veronica who was resting her head on a desk, she'd been quite spacy since she arrived at school today. Joviana guessed that it was because of the issues she and her family were facing.

'' oya let's start playing, the rule of the game is quiet easy , if you cannot do your dare just hand over 5k to me" Harrison said.
" what are you using the money for?" Tracy asked
" aunty, I'm not eating it, we'll use it to organise our class party na" he said and the others agreed with him.
" great idea" Tarella chirped in.
" I know right, now let's start" .

Harrison spinned the coke bottle and it landed facing Oghomwen and a boy called Josiah . He was one of Nathan's friends and he was fine too.
" I dare you to kiss my ass" Josiah said smirking and the whole class chorused " ewwwwwww".

" I'm not doing that" Oghomwen said.
" then pay up" Josiah said impatiently.
Oghomwen surprised the whole class by handing #5000 to Harrison.
" haba, shinzu money, I hail o" Harrison hailed her jokingly while the class laughed.
The game went on like that, it started in a cool way at first then things started getting heated up , lap dances, kisses , and some people even revealed their crushes .
Finally it got to Nathan's turn, Nathan was to be questioned by Henry .
'' T or d ?" Henry asked.
Nathan took the easy one and just said " truth" .
" hmm, what will I ask now?" Henry said tugging at an imaginary beard in a thoughtful way.

" erm, why did you break up with Natasha and who do you like now?" He asked .
" gbas gbos🙌" Harrison said laughing in his loud manner.
Natasha's face suddenly turned angry, Joviana hoped Nathan didn't say anything stupid but of course, trust Nathan to mess things up.
" she broke up with me, I don't know why ,maybe you should ask her" Nathan said .Joviana breathed a sigh of relief that Nathan didn't mention anything about her , but that relief was cut short.
" as for your other question, I like Joviana ". He said looking at Joviana.

A tear slipped down Natasha's eyes as she watched the show going on before her, nobody noticed it though, she wanted to run out of the class to cry but No, she won't, she would stay strong "I've this sorted out, I'm still Natty and won't break down over this " she thought to herself.

" Awwwwww" the girls in the class were saying in fake admiration, Joviana knew half of them wanted to be in her position and she didn't mind trading it. Nathan was just an asshole.
" he's messed things up" Joviana thought.

Harrison expertly spinned the bottle again and Joviana could have sworn that it was planned as it landed facing himself and Joviana, ' t or d o" he said smiling.
" truth" she said playing safe.

" you've used truth before, stop being boring" Harrison said .

Joviana had been asked by Tarella to tell the class her most embarrassing moment and she had entertained the class with an embarrassing childhood story .
" dare, dare, dare!" The ss one students chanted in order to make Joviana choose dare.
" okay, okay, it'sfine, I pick dare" Joviana said giving in to their demand.
" kiss Nathan " Harrison said simply.

" but...." Joviana wanted to protest
" bring your 5k, we already have 15k, let's make it 20,000" he said not caring a bit about what Joviana had to say.
Joviana didn't have up to #5,000 with her , she asked veronica if she did but the answer was negative.

" can't I bring the money tommorow ?" Joviana begged.
" you know the rules; do the dare or pay ASAP" he said in a professional manner.
Joviana glanced at Nathan who seemed unconcerned , damn him , he can't even say anything.

" guess I have no choice" Joviana muttered , she'd make the kiss as short as possible, afterall there was no feelings attached to it.maybe.

As their lips met , Nathan circled his hands on Joviana's waist , pulling her into his chest, he kissed her reluctant lips but they soon parted ways to let his tongue in.
Joviana wanted to push hm away but a part of her felt so comfortable in his arms, she was enjoying the kiss.

" get off me " Joviana's sane part of her finally spoke up as she pushed him roughly.

She brushed her lips roughly in feigned irritation but deep down she knew she enjoyed that kiss and she had something for Nathan.
" hehehehe " Harrison cleared his throat in amusement.
" you guys almost ate each other" Tracy said laughing.
" that kiss reach one minute o" Josiah said looking at his watch.
" what????!!" Joviana thought to herself and she felt the heat rush up to her cheeks, she was embarrassed now realizing the gravity of her actions.
She just kissed Nathan in front of his ex.
Natasha just looked at her in the eye and said " It's not your fault "
The whole class was shocked , they were expecting her to tear into Joviana's hair.
" be calm Natty, you've this under control already" Natasha said to herself.
Now, Joviana was very suspicious, how could she kiss Nathan in front of Natasha and she would just tell her " it's not your fault "?, such things don't even happen in movies .

' well the drama isn't over.

The bottle was spinned again and this time it landed facing Tracy and Natty.
Tracy was to ask Natasha
" tell us your deepest secret" Tracy asked not even stopping to think for a moment, like she'd been praying for the moment.
" I do not have one, so shut the f***k up" Natasha said rolling her eyes.
" ohh , did you forget your mother is a harlot who works for a rich alhaji that pays your fees? " Tracy said smiling as the class went silent.

.Tracy just dropped a bombshell.

Don't kill Me abeg.
Natasha don suffer sha 😰😩.

What do you think?

I've always hated truth or dare, I try not to play when my classmates are, call me Lily livered, idc😂😸.

Ehn ehn, what dyu think of Harrison, do you have a classmate like him?
Comment 🙌.

KaffyThevirgo ❤

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