chapter twenty one

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The bottle was spinned again and this time it landed facing Tracy and Natty.
Tracy was to ask Natasha
" tell us your deepest secret" Tracy asked not even stopping to think for a moment.
" I don't have any so shut the fuck up" Natasha said rolling her eyes.
" ohhh, did you forget your mother is a harlot who works for a rich alhaji that pays your fees and caters for you?" Tracy said and folded her hands akimbo watching for Natasha's reaction.
Everybody in the class were silent due to the surprise. Natasha is fake!.
Nobody said a word not even Harrison.
" Tracy, take that statement back right now!"
Natasha screamed jolting everybody from their trance.
" it's true and you know , I'm not taking anything back" Tracy said non challantly.

" hmmm, well, I guess I'll tell the whole class about your abortions, ladies and gentlemen, this fifteen year old girl has had 3 abortions, she's a low-key prostitute and I know Y'all wouldn't notice cause she deceives us by claiming her dad is a pastor , he's a pastor yes!, but his daughter is a hoe-ly Mary ( get the pun) " Natasha rattled away.

" argggg, you bitch , you stupid liar" Tracy said coming towards Natasha, Natasha was fast and gave Tracy a hot slap before she could pull at her ( Natty' s) hair.
In no time the two girls were tearing at their uniforms on the floor.
" na wa oo, una worse pass olosho sef" Harrison finally said.

"And she keeps telling everybody about her trip to Dubai "
" 3 abortions, Hmm ., with this her small body"
" Nathan would be really heartbroken " different students said audibly, nobody feared what queen Natty or madam Tracy would do, they had no reasons to feel big now.

" Natasha, Tracy!", to my office now!" The English teacher commanded the almost naked girls as he entered into the ss1 class
" the rest of you except veronica, on your knees, now!" He said and walked out of the class.

☆ ~☆~☆~☆

Nathan couldn't beleive the girl he had been dating had lied to him all these while , she was always claiming her parents lived overseas and were very rich, what other lies could she have told me? Nathan asked himself not sure of what to beleive. His friends had recently stopped talking to him because he fucked up by letting the almighty Natasha break up with him, they thought he was being foolish and this had caused a rift between him and the boys. Now, Nathan was standing alone in the basketball trying to keep his mind on the game going on in front of him but he just couldn't.
Just then he saw his friends- Ahmed, Vincent and Jason walking towards him.
" guy, we're sorry, we just realised we were the ones who fucked up by letting you date such a bitch" Ahmed spoke first.
" I always knew there was something fishy about her" Vincent chipped in.
" it's okay guys, there's no way you would have foreseen this " Nathan said shrugging.

" we're cool?" Jason asked finally.
" sure" Nathan said and gave each of them bro hugs.
" away from that bitch , how your birthday wan go Na?" Vincent asked smiling
" ahhh, it totally escaped me, it's on Friday!" Nathan said face palming himself.
" but, there's one thing I need to do" Nathan said and ran out of the basketball court, he just remembered something he'd since intended to do..
" Joviana, I'm very sorry about everything " a panting Nathan was standing in front of Joviana and Veronica saying all these.

" you mean for the kiss ? " Joviana said rolling her eyes.
" I'm not sorry for that, I only helped you do your dare " Nathan said with a smirk.
"I'm honestly sorry about all the inconvenience Natasha my ex might have caused you " Nathan said in his most sincere manner .
" it's fine" Joviana said .

" apologise to Veronica too, cause she's had to witness those, Natasha already apologised, by the way so it's cool" Joviana continued smiling toothily.
" it's okay" Veronica said dryly.
" wait, Natty apologised ?" Nathan asked, he couldn't wrap his head around that.

" yap, she did " Joviana said still not seeing anything wrong with Natasha apologising.
" it's a trap!" He replied
" finally, someone who thinks like me!" Veronica exclaimed.
" what are you two talking about?" Joviana asked.
" if she apologised to you , there's little chances that she means it, I think she'd have plans and they're not good " Nathan analysed.
" I tried to explain to this dummy here but she was like " no , Natty has changed " veronica said mockingly.
" well, just watch your back , I don't think she'll try something stupid with the position she's in" Nathan said shrugging.
" by the way my birthday is on friday" Nathan said and winked , without waiting for her reply he walked away in his usual haughty manner.

" I'm very disappointed in you, Natasha, fighting in the school premises, and to think that you're one of our best students in this school" the principal lectured Natasha who was looking at the floor.
" and you Tracy, this isn't the first time you've been reported for disobeying school rules, you think you're here to play huh?" She asked angrily.
" No.. No ma.." Tracy stuttered.

The principal sighed, "Well,the two of you leave me no choice, the penalty for fighting in the school premises is suspension for two weeks , you two would serve this punishment duly, now go pack your things and leave now" the principal said sternly.. Natasha and Tracy fell to their knees and started begging but that was of no use as the principal had already made her decision and it was irrevocable.
Back home, Joviana and Julia were gisting about their day as usual. Joviana told Julia all that happened.
" what do people gain from fake life sef, if you don't have show your face and someone might help you, and there's no permanent gain for pretending to be who you're not "Julia complained .
" well, on Friday is the interhouse sports competition, hope you're ready? " Julia said.
" wow, that's Nathan's birthday too" Jovi replied
" awwwwwwwn" Julia said in an exaggerated manner and Joviana threw her a pillow.
Well, it's another update🙂

What do you think about the turn of events?
What will happen next?
Tell me in the comment section 😁

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