chapter twelve

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☆ Cheers to those girls going through a lot but still put on a dazzling smile☆🙂

This chapter is dedicated to danielgoowa you're amazeballs⚘❤😢

After the class, they had a free period, though the timetable said "read" the students were obviously not going to abide by that, instead the different cliques gathered and started gisting. Joviana decided that it was time to talk to Veronica.
Veronica was copying a note and she seemed so engrossed in it.
" Veronica.." she tapped her gently.
" yes" veronica replied uninterestedly.
" are you okay? , I mean are you sure you're okay? I know we've not known for long but please if there's anything bothering you , you can let me know" joviana said rubbing veronica's shoulder comfortingly.
" okay" Veonica said forcing a smile.. she didn't say anything after that so joviana assumed she had closed the conversation.
Just then, she saw Nathan walking towards her seat, he had probably come to discuss the project with her.
" hi" he said with his hands in his pockets. He always had his hands in them.
" Hi" joviana replied not in the mood for the project , she was worried about veronica's change in attitude.
" I've goggled it o, maybe we can look at it later during break.. I wrote it in a 2a exercise boom" Nathan said with a serious look on his face.
"Ohhh .. that's fast.. no problem, I'll be in class" Joviana replied.
Nathan walked back to his seat.. joviana wondered if Nathan was that serious with his school work.
Natasha was already shooting daggers at her with a malicious stare but joviana didn't budge this time . She looked at Natasha in the eye and gave her a glare too.
"What is wrong with some girs sha!, just how many minutes conversation with your boo you want to hit your head on the roof" joviana muttered and hissed.
Natasha walked towards her and said to the hearing of the class " What did you just say?".
Joviana shook her head.. surely this Natasha girl had no shame , for her to want to have a confrontation because of a boy.
" Are you deaf or what?" Natasha said fuming with anger, her hands were balled into fists and joviana could see that Natasha was trying hard not to hit her. A small crowd had gathered round joviana's seat probably anticipating a fight.
" Natasha please don't start, it's too early to start fighting na, it's just the third day of the term" veronica said tiredly
" let your idiot of a friend tell me what she said!" Natasha said not willing to let go.
" babe, calm down " Nathan finally said to Natasha as he was obviously the cause of the drama.
"Bitch!" Natasha said still angry..
" I'm not a bitch , and never in your stupid life should you call me that!" Joviana said she could no longer control her anger.
Just then the Mr Gideon came into the class.
" the two of you , to my office right now!he commanded Natasha and joviana .
" The rest of you should better get something to do before I get you punished"

The student went to their seats , some of them talking about the scenario that just played out.
Veronica looked at joviana pitifully,joviana was probably going to get in Mr Gideon's bad books and that wasn't good.

A/N : next chapter is in Nathan's pov..
I know it's short but at least I updated😪😪
Bear with me..
This story might seem cliche but trust me as we proceed it will get better ❤🌷

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