chapter six

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This chapter is dedicated to itzqueenycherish , Thanks for your encouragement and all💙😢
They got into the tricycle and in a few minutes they were close to the stop nearest to their house. The tricycle stopped and they got down.
" oga,she'll pay for her own "julia said handing the man a fifty naira note and watching Joviana for her reaction..
" you think I'll beg you to pay for me abi??, sorry not today " joviana said bringing out
Lunch money from her pocket and giving it to the tricycle driver. He gave her her balance and Joviana walked away feeling on top of the world while julia smiled disappointedly.
"Two- zero!''Joviana said laughing this time and ran to the house forgetting about her rumbling stomach.
* * * *
Back home , Joviana had a cold bath after a meal of spaghetti and egg and settled down in the sitting room to watch high school musical, her sister was somewhere around the house doing something, probably searching for network to chat.
Their parents weren't back yet ,they'll expect them by 6'0clock pm or later. Soon high school musical was finished and Joviana became bored, julia came in and snatched the remote from her hand and changed the channel to mtvbase. She wanted to watch a performance by Davido ( she was crazy over him).
" ahn ahn !, what's that na?
" Joviana complained .
" what is what???, can't I watch anyhing I like in my father's house again? "
Julia replied and started dancing to " nwa baby "
"Julia you're pushing me oo, you're looking for trouble "joviana said slightly amused but pretending to be angry.

" ... i been dey locked up, they won't let me out, only you let me out..that shii was fucked up ...they won't let me out, only you let me out.. I don't mean to say this buh i can hear you nwaaa baaaabyyy♪♪" Julia sang dancing shaku shaku.
Julia soon started whining in front of Joviana and Joviana laughed and pushed her lightly causing her to loose balance, julia started laughing too and they soon started to play boju boju round the house, and that was how they settled their quarell the two never stayed angry at each other for long.
* * * * *
The next day which was Tuesday, Joviana got herself ready for school. Julia was ready too but was pressing her phone in the balcony, they were waiting for their dad who was watching news while eating his breakfast .
Joviana sneaked up on her sister to see what she was doing and of course she was messaging someone.
" don't think I don't know you're there" Julia said smiling.
" if you know nko???" Joviana asked making a funny expression with her face.
" hmmm. Oya lets take selfies. I'm in the mood for pictures "Julia said holding joviana's shoulder and she started using different snap chat filters.
Joviana made different funny faces to frustrate julia but julia didn't mind.
" I'll post the pictures, I'll tag kelly too" Julia said when they were done taking pictures.
"Ahh.. please na.. don't try it o" joviana pleaded
" are you girls ready??" Their dad's baritone voice interrupted their banter.

" yes sir" they chorused and slung their bags on their shoulders. They took their positions in the car, julia in the front with her dad and Joviana at the back.
In a few minutes, they were in school. Today Joviana would be in the assembly,they didn't have to see the principal, they waved their dad good bye and they walked to their various classes together. Julia soon waved her bye and climbed the stairs leading to hers.

The class was not full but it was still noisy,veronica was yet to arrive, different cliques stood in different corners of the class gisting and laughing, some were looking at something on a phone.
She sighted a group on her seat looking at a magazine, one of them saying to the rest of the group that she had the type of dress in the magazine.
" see this dress ehhn, my aunt bought it from Dubai last month with one maxi skirt " the girl was saying
" Natty, i think I've seen you wear it" Tracy ( the girl who spoke rudely to Joviana )said
" ehn ehnm" joviana cleared her throat in order to get the attention of the fashion crazy girls.

" Yes, is there a problem"the girl who was called Natty said.
" this is my seat.. " Joviana said with an even tone .
"She's the new girl I told you about, Natasha, this girl doesn't have manners at all" Tracy said.
Then the puzzle pieces added up in joviana's head, the girl who was asking her if there was any problem was Natasha who Tracy had said the seat next to her belonged to..maybe she had just resumed today.
The other girls in the group concurred saying that Joviana was very rude and tracy added that she even had a drama with Kelly
How did the news spread❗
Joviana screamed in her mind.
" please get up.. I need to drop my bag "Joviana said not minding what the girls said .
Natasha looked at her, scrutinizing her in a malicious way, Then got up from the table she was sitting on, adjusted her shirt and blazers, dusted her butt as if her seat had been dirty and pushed joviana away from her front, walked out and the other girls followed suit not saying a word.

" rude idiots" joviana muttered angrily.
" don't mind them oo They are the queen bees of the class , very proud but non of them knows anything except Natasha " a boy who had been solving maths in the last seat said
Joviana turned to look at the boy , he was dark, had pointed nose and used glasses.
" goodmorning'' joviana greeted the boy happily
" goodmorning to you too " he said in a sing song way .
" what's your name " joviana asked him
" I'm Harrison" he said smiling
" nice to meet you, I'm joviana.." joviana said and settled in on her seat she bought out a note and started revising.

Soon the bell for assembly was rung and the students hanging around ran to the assembly ground, joviana was not left out as she joined her mates on the line or queue. They stood according to their heights and Natasha and her crew were standing behind her chattering , she sighed and put on a bold countenance like she didn't care.

So queen Natasha has resumed... let the drama begin 😂
The story is progressing... 🙂 thank
God for strength.. if there's any error please kindly point out.. I'm not an expert..
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