chapter five

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Joviana got to her sister's class, she peeped into the class and found her sister sitting with her friends talking and laughing, some boys were in a corner looking at something on an i-pad. Some were playing ball with the duster at the front of the class, the class was simply noisy and what further annoyed her was that her sister was there talking and laughing when hunger was killing her here.

"Ohh God " Joviana grumbled. She didn't want to enter the class because she might encounter the rude boy or on a second thought her sister's classmates might notice her;she didn't want that.
" looking for someone??" A masculine voice jolted her from her thoughts and she turned to face the person.
"Please don't be kelly..please don't be kelly " joviana muttered as she faced the person fully.
And it wasn't kelly , it was a tall dark boy with gap tooth, he used googles too.
" yes,my sister - Julia" Joviana replied calming down a little.
" oh okay.. I guess you are new here , haven't quite seen this pretty face before " he complimented
Joviana smiled shyly and said " yes I'm new."

" pardon my manners, I'm.." he wanted to introduce himself when julia cut in on their conversation.
" oh girl , it's like you don't want to go home oo" Julia shouted from where she stood.she was not with her friends.
" got to go !" Joviana said and ran off to meet her sister.

''Aunty, goodafternoon " joviana said to julia mockingly " you had to use the closing hours to gist ehh" joviana continued
" if I slap you, I was done talking but was watching you blush for a guy" Julia said with an even tone.
Though they were very close, the two sisters liked to throw tantrums at each other with no hard feelings to it. That's how sisters do. ( in skibii's voice)

They got to the front gate and from the corner of her eyes she saw someone waving in their direction, it was kelly, half mindedly she waved back and he gave her a questioning look and said " see you in school tommorow Julia!"
" yes, bye bye!" Julia said and waved back at him.
Then Joviana got it. Hewasn't waving at her , it was julia and she brought down her hand slightly embarrassed.
" Joviana ooo" julia said laughing hard
" see the way he damn you , why do you think he'll wave you ehh?"

Joviana didn't say anything but instead walked away angrily from her sister. She was suddenly more aware of her hunger and all she needed now was food a cold bath and some rest.

" wait for me oo, it's not like you know the way home, it's your first day remember" Julia said still laughing.

Joviana waited at the junction silently praying for Julia to decide to board a tricycle home.

Joviana waited at the junction silently for julia to change her mind and let them enter a tricycle home or a bus, she was tired and worn out .Her dad had decided They willl walk home each day  after school so they knew how it felt to trek under the sun on a bright afternoon. He didn't want them to grow spoilt and since the school was not that far from their house he decided They could save t-fare , joviana hated this idea. Entering keke doesnt make one spoilt.

Despite her dad's rule, when Joviana was still in her former school she used her personal money to board a bus home

"Let's enter keke "she heard julia say and she smiled inwardly but didn't say anything.
" you won't tell me thank you now oo, before you do face like dry beans" Julia asked but joviana remained mute.

" ok oh! one -zero she said mockingly. " see keke o lets enter" Julia said stopping a tricycle for both of them to enter.

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