Chapter 37 New Friends and Threats

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Holding my tray out to the newly named cultist, he placed a bowl of rice on my tray. Followed by some soup and a couple of sweets.

I would be lying if I said I was really hungry. I was hungry, but I had no interest in eating. After seeing the largest Anacondrai chase after me and what Chen does. I rather spend my time with Chen to find out more about him than eat.

"Can I steal those?"

My eyes flickered up at Jay, who was reaching for my sweets, "Go ahead."

Taking each sweet from my tray, leaving me with rice and soup. Leaving me with space for anything else, if I wanted anything else.

My head turns towards Cole, "Does Garmadon know about what happened yesterday?"

He shook his head, "I was planning on telling him once we all sat down to eat."

"Good idea."

"What happened yesterday?"

The one we spoke about, Sensei Garmadon, or the one I fought a bit ago. Stood before us with his tray about empty as mine, just filled in with a drink.

"We- uh..." I couldn't figure a simple way to say it. "We will tell you once there are fewer people around."

"It's about Chen."

The blonde boy that I talked to last night, stood beside me looking at his father. Glancing between the two, you could see the similarities. Yet unique features between them both.

Besides the hair color, Lloyd has a thicker head of hair. Fluffy and bouncy. Probably is healthier than mine.

"Well, I see. We can-"

"Hello, elemental masters! Today is the first battle! Woo, I can not wait for today's battles! Such exciting match-ups!"

Chen began saying each person's name through the speaker, not one so far was the ninja or me. Each one of the elemental masters smiled after heading their names called, expect one.

He only smiled for a second then turning towards us. The Master of mind. His eyes locked with mine for a bit but quickly turning away.

"Heh, maybe we all got the day off."

'It is too easy then.'

"Oh! And last... Fire!"

Sitting beside Lloyd, I tap my foot on the ground. After watching the last two fights, they were definitely equally as strong. Each with elemental powers we have no idea of what they could do.

The Master of Speed and Master of the Mind won those battles.

But now is Kai. And all I could think about is what could go wrong.

'What if Kai loses? He will lose his powers. And then what happens after that? Will he be fed to that giant Anacondrai? I can't lose another friend. I can't-'

"Y/n. Try and calm down..."

Lloyd's soothing voice did help a little. But not all the way.


"You know Kai. He won't go down without a fight. He will not lose this fight."

My head turns towards him. His soft green eyes were reassuring, I knew deep down it would be okay. But I have to act strong. Lloyd probably does like it when I am strong.

I put on a smile, "He will not lose. That hothead wouldn't allow that to happen."

He nods his head turning towards the battlefield.

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