Thirty Four ~ Kira

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Crow drops me off at the door to the cabin and speeds off without even checking that I got inside.

I can hear a low argument as I go to knock on the door. "Did he touch you?" Kaden growls.

"Fucks sake K. I can look after myself," Mylo complains, "We've got enough shit going on right now without you freaking out every time I speak to Dad."

"I'm going to bed, but this isnt over," Kaden says and then I hear him walk away.

I knock on the door and Mylo opens it almost straight away. He looks exhausted. "Hello," I say awkwardly.

"Oh thank fuck it's you. Please tell me that Rafa is dead and this is all over," he says rubbing his face.

I shake my head, "He got away. Please tell me nothing else bad has happened while I was gone."

He sighs and steps aside to let me in, "Artie and Switch are dead. The car was tampered with."

The shock hits me hard and I bring a hand to my mouth, "Are you sure?"

Mylo nods, "Everyone is in bed and you should get some rest too." He takes a deep breath and then looks towards the stairs, "Rya! Kira's home!" He shouts up.

I shake my head, still not believing that Artie and Switch could be gone. "Does Rya know? I mean, of course Rya knows but has it set in? Well the cabin is still standing so im going to guess no." I realise I'm rambling and shut my mouth quick.

Mylo chuckles, "Quinn told her when they got home. He seemed shaken up by it all too. It's been a crazy day."

I nod, "Tell me about it. I was just kidnapped again."

He shakes his head at me and then rubs his eyes, "I'm going to get some sleep though. I cant imagine that tomorrow will be much different."

He turns to walk away and I feel my eyelids get heavy. I'm exhausted in every possible way. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

Thundering footsteps make me turn my attention towards the stairs. Quinn stands there breathless and shirtless, "Mylo! You're my best chance and knowing what the fuck is going on upstairs. You need to go get Rya. Shes in her bathroom and..." he trails off and his face goes pale.

Mylo doesnt say anything before rushing up the stairs with Quinn close behind. I grab fistfuls of my skirt and pull it up, sprinting up after them as fast as my bare, bloodied feet can take me.

Mylo is already in the bathroom when I get to the bedroom. Quinn is sitting against the wall with his head in his hands. The room looks mostly normal apart from the duvet on the floor and the large pool of blood on the bed. "Oh..." I say as I look towards the bathroom, "I hate when that happens."

Quinn shakes his head, "Its not her period." I frown at him and look back at the bed. "Theres something wrong. That's never happened before. Her cramps have never really bothered her, not in a noticable way anyway, but this time... it's just different."

I sit down beside him and he finally looks at me. His eyes flash as he realises who he's talking to, "You're home," he says with a smile and then pulls me into a tight hug, "Sorry, I'm so tired."

I hug him back and hold back the tears that spring up in my eyes. Today has been so long and so exhausting. "You should go get some sleep. I'll wait for Rya."

He shakes his head as he pulls back, "No. I'll never sleep if I dont know she's ok."

The bathroom door opens again and Mylo steps out and rubs his face, "She"ll be ok. Well, physically at least, mentally this might take a while."

"What's wrong with her?" Quinn says scrambling to his feet, "What do you mean?"

"She should tell you herself," Mylo says gesturing back at the door, "Shes just in the shower."

Quinn heads in and closes the door behind him. I walk over to Mylo as he runs his hands through his hair, "This is bad, Kira. If we thought that everything that has happened to her was bad before, this just tops it off."

I frown at him, far too tired to put the pieces together on my own. "What's happened?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath, "She's miscarried. She thinks Quinn got her pregnant a few weeks ago. She had no idea but shes got the symptoms. The bleeding and cramping will stop in a couple of days but this might fuck her up."

I cover my mouth with my hand, "Oh..." is all I manage to say for a second, "...That's horrific."

I look at the closed door and hear a sob from the bathroom. Shes lost so much over the past few days.

Mylo leaves the room and comes back a few moments later and hands me a couple of pills, "She needs rest. When she gets out, make sure she takes these."

I look down at the two white capsules in my hand. She'll never take them willingly. I grab a glass of water from beside her bed and empty the capsules into it, swirling the glass around to help the powder dissolve.

"You're drugging her?" Mylo asks nervously, "She wont like that."

I sniff and feel my eyes burn with tears, "Its for her own good." The tears start to slip down my cheeks, "I could do with a proper sleep too."

The door to the bathroom opens and they come out. Rya looks small for the first time ever as she leans against Quinn in an awkwardly fitting shirt. Her eyes dont leave the floor, "I need to go speak to Poppy. And I need to phone my parents, make sure they're ok now that we dont know where Rafa is."

"You need to sleep," Quinn says desperately.

She shakes him off and heads out of the room before we can catch her. "Rya!" I call out as I run after her, the drugged glass still tight in my hand.

Shes in the kitchen when I catch up with her. "Here," I say putting the glass down beside her, "Drink at least."

She scowls at me but drinks anyway as she looks for something around the kitchen. She finds a phone and starts to dial a number when she stops for a second, her eyes unfocusing for a second. "Ow," she deadpans, "well that's going to suck."

Her blinks start to get heavy and I watch as she struggles with the phone. Glancing down at the glass still in her hand and then up at me, she looks betrayed, "What the fuck have you given me?"

I walk over to steady her as her knees go a little, "Just something to help you sleep, Rya. You need rest."

She looks like she's about to cry, "You drugged me?" Her voice cracks a little as she speaks.

"Come on, let's get you into bed before you pass out," I say and surprisingly she lets me guide her out and towards the stairs.

Her head is rolling a little as we get there and I realise that theres no way I'll be able to carry her up. Luckily, Quinn appears at the top of the stairs and comes down to help us.

He takes most of her weight as we go up and by the top he scoops her up bridal style for the rest of the way. Shes not quite asleep but not exactly conscious either, still mumbling something sadly about drugs and trust.

The tears wont stop pouring down my face as I watch Quinn carry her into a spare room and tuck her into bed where she finally seems to settle and slip into sleep.

"She was pregnant with my baby," he says very quietly. He turns to look at me with tears in his eyes, "We could have had a kid."

I walk over and wrap my arms around him, "Itll all work out. We just have to believe in it."

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