Chapter 34- Kaiba Corp Tournament Finals

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(Y/N) stood on the rooftop of the Kaiba Corp blimp, cloaked in her disguise, looking perplexed at the man in front of her. She considered the challenge, then finally shook her head.

"No thanks," (Y/n) said finally. "If you want to duel me and know my identity, you'll just have to wait your turn tomorrow."

Seto paused for a few moments. All eyes focused on him, waiting to see how he responded.

"Very well..." Kaiba said finally. He and Mokuba made a dramatic exit, leaving Yugi's friends puzzled by the mystery duelist that stood up to Seto Kaiba.


The next morning (Y/n) looked over her duel deck, making a few edits before the big match. She threw on her wig, hat, sunglasses, and black clothes. Her disguise had been genius, she thought, as she admired herself in the mirror. Even (Y/n) barely recognized herself in the reflection, so it was no surprise she had managed to pull one over on the Kaiba Corp CEO.

As she stepped onto the elevator to the top of the blimp, she thought about her upcoming match with Joey Wheeler. She had seen his matches during the tournament so she had a pretty good idea of his strategy. It wasn't going to be easy, but she just might have a chance with the strategy she had in mind.

The two stood face to face, shuffling their cards and stuffing them into the new duel discs created for the tournament.

"Just because you're a newbie doesn't mean imma go easy on ya." Joey declared, starting the duel off with a monster and face down card.

(Y/n) smirked mischievously. "I wouldn't have it any other way!"

After a few turns, the two were seemingly evenly matched, both summoning powerful monsters, playing magic cards and trap cards to counter each other's moves.

"This duel has turned out much more interesting than I expected, Mokuba," Seto, looking over at his brother.

The duel continued on until (Y/N) pulled out a face down card at the last moment, barely defeating Joey and winning the competition. Until that match, (Y/N) hadn't taken the competition or herself too seriously, but now she was determined to defeat her boyfriend in the game he obsessed over, and prove herself as a skilled duelist.

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