Chapter 21- Dungeons & Dragons?! Gozaburo's Evil Scheme

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(Your Name) and Yugi arrived at a large warehouse guarded by dozens of soldiers. The pair hid behind a large group of bushes as they planned their next move. Suddenly a bright aura of light flashed, and Yugi's outfit transformed into the clothing of a mage, and (y/n's) outfit turned into a darkly colored rogue uniform.


Across the other side of the building, a blinding light appeared in front of Seto and Mokuba. As they shut their eyes and opened them, they noticed their clothing had changed. Seto wore robes that resembled a Cleric or Priest, and Mokuba was dressed with a sword and full body armor.

"What is this?" Seto growled.

"I think this is part of a game." Mokuba said, looking down at his new clothing. "This reminds me of that game Dungeons and Dragons that people have been playing."

"Whatever, let's just get into that building and get the hell out of here."


(y/n) and Yugi approached the large door of the building, only to be stopped by the various soldiers.

"You may not pass." A guard said coldly to the pair.

"Why not?" Yugi demanded.

"Wait, Yugi," (your name) said. "I think we're playing some version of Dungeons & Dragons. Let me try something."

"I'd like to roll for persuasion!" (Your name) shouted. After a few moments of silence, a large dice appeared, rapidly rolled in the air and dropped down on the number twenty four.

"Right this way." The soldier said, opening the large metal door. Yugi and (y/n) stepped inside what appeared to be a dimly lit dungeon, continuing onwards.


Seto and Mokuba walked towards the entrance of the large building. A burly guard appeared in front of the giant door.

"Hault Adventurers!" The guard bellowed. "You may not pass!"

"Why the hell not?" Seto demanded.

"Seto! I think this is part of the game!" Mokuba said, looking up at the burly guard. "I'd like to roll for charisma!"

After a moment, a large dice appeared, spun mid-air and landed on a three. The guard looked angrily at the pair, raising his staff, ready to attack.

"Seto! Run!" Mokuba shouted.

"Think again, Mokuba!" Seto said, raising his staff. "I roll for strength!"

The dice rapidly spun until landing on a twenty-one. Seto grinned and used his magical staff to quickly destroy the large guard. The two strode into the dungeon nonchalantly.

"I hope (Your name) and Yugi are okay..." Mokuba murmured in the dimly lit hallway.

"I hope so too," Seto admitted, wondering how his former rival and girlfriend were faring in the eerie virtual reality game.


"Yugi, I think that's the boss!" (Your name) hissed as the two approached a large room with a giant monster. She pulled Yugi behind a corner, scanning the room for any other potential hazards. The two noticed a young boy in a small cage near the monster, crying for help.

"We've got to have a game plan before we jump into this...." Yugi said, considering their options.

Before the pair could discuss a strategy, they heard the voice of Seto Kaiba, shouting at the monster.

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