Chapter 25- Mr. Kaiba's Proposal

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The buzzing of a cell phone nodded Seto Kaiba awake from his pleasant slumber on (Y/n) cozy bed. He groggily sat up, still nude and disheveled from the slight hangover. That would teach him not to overdo it on the alcohol on an empty stomach. He noticed the spot where (Y/n) slept was empty.

"Yes Mokuba?" Seto answered. The small screen showed Mokuba in his dress shirt and tie, sitting in their kitchen.

"Seto, where have you been? I didn't see you come home last night." The teen chirped. Noticing his brother's messy hair and lack of shirt made him gasp and smirk simultaneously. "Oh my God! Did you spend the night with (y/n)?"

"Mokuba, I'm not having this conversation with you!" Seto growled, blushing profusely the way only his little brother could cause.

"Where is (Y/N) anyway?" Mokuba asked, giving Seto the side eye. "I want to say hello!"

At that very moment, (Y/n) walked in the bedroom dressed in shorts and a sports bra, carrying her dog. "Hi sleepyhead! I made you breakfast!" She saw the flush of embarrassment and realized Seto was in a video chat. "Oh I'm sorry! Didn't realize you were on facetime!"

"Is that (Y/n)? Hand her the phone!" Mokuba pleaded. Being the good older brother he was, Seto grudgingly handed the phone over, letting (Y/n) and Mokuba chat in the other room while Seto picked off his clothes from the floor and got dressed.

The video chat ended and (Y/N) and Seto had breakfast together.

(y/n) checked her phone and abruptly stood up. "I've gotta go!"

"Why? What's happening?" Seto asked.

"It's your stepfather. He wants all the current Kaiba Corp executives to meet with him this morning to discuss the new direction of the company." (Y/n) said, placing her hands over Seto's sympathetically. "I'll let you know everything that happens. I promise I'll do whatever I can to help you take back Kaiba Corp."

"Just go," Seto said cooly.

(Y/n) tossed Seto a spare key. "Stay as long as you want- I'll be back as soon as I can."


(Y/N) entered the large meeting room to be greeted by the senior Mr. Kaiba, grabbing a seat as far away as possible. The rest of the executive team arrived, and Gozaburo began his meeting.

"Listen up everyone. Things are going to be changing around here, effective immediately. If you're not on board for change, you know where the door is." The small group remained silent and seated as the older man continued to discuss his plans for the company. He planned to remove any trace of Seto's Kaiba Corp, including going back to producing weapons and removing any products related to gaming.

After giving everyone their new assignments, the group filed out like students leaving a particularly boring class.

"You there, young lady." (y/n) turned around to find herself alone in the conference room face to face with Gozaburo Kaiba in the flesh.

"My name is (first name, last name)." She said coldly.

"I know who you are." The man said, packing his briefcase. "I have a proposition for you."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow as she turned and walked away towards the door. "No thank you."

Gozaburo ignored the comment. "Tell me, what kind of boss is Seto? Does he treat his employees fairly or does he just see them as a means to an end?"

(Y/n) remained silent, but refrained from leaving the conference room.

"I wonder..." Gozaburo said snidely. "What kind of romantic partner is Seto?"

"I'm not talking to you about my personal life." (Y/n) said coldly, turning towards the door.

"Are you sure he really cares about you? Does he even tell you he loves you? Or are you just another floozie that he will eventually get tired of and discard?" The elder Kaiba sneered.

"That's not true- you don't know what you're talking about!" (Y/n) defended.

"Can you be so sure?" The man pressed. "He had no problem kicking his dear old dad to the curb when it suited him. What makes you think he won't do the same to you?"

"That's enough!"

"Just consider my words. When Kaiba Corp is restored to its former glory, you'll want to be on the winning side." Gozaburo continued. "If you agree to side with me, I promise you'll get the recognition you deserve, young lady. Money, prestige, power, influence..."

"Those things don't interest me. I have everything I need to be happy, Mr. Kaiba."

The man pulled a business card out of his wallet and handed it to (y/n). "You know to find me when you change your mind."

Annoyed and disgusted, (Y/n) left the front doors of Kaiba Corp and walked back to her apartment, hoping to find Seto when she returned home. She stepped into her apartment to see her jovial dog and no Seto.

Before she could consider his whereabouts, a phone call came through and she quickly answered.


"(Y/N), it's Me," came Chad's deep voice. "I've got some updates for you. You're gonna wanna sit down for this."

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