Chapter 8- The Writing On The Wall

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(Your name's) eyelids felt heavy and her whole body tingled as she groggily awoke in a cold hospital bed. She sat up feeling her whole body ache with every vertebrae she lifted from the mattress.

"You're awake." A familiar voice cried.

"Mokuba!" (Y/n) said hoarsely. "What are you doing here?"

"You really don't remember anything, do you?" Mokuba pulled his chair up to the hospital bed. "You've been out cold for almost three days."

"What do you mean? Where's my dog?" (your name) asked in a panic, sitting upright completely. "Is she okay?"

"Yes, don't worry, your dog is fine. She's being well cared for by our staff." Mokuba smiled slightly.

A sigh of relief escaped her nostrils as a doctor entered the room.

"Miss (last name) , good to see that you are awake." The doctor approached to examine her vitals. "You gave your boyfriend quite a scare."

"No, no, he's not my boyfriend-" (your name) shook her head as she tried to explain, feeling a flush on her face forming.

The doctor smiled apologetically. "I mean the other young man, tall, brown hair, and very blue eyes."


"He never left your side. He did his work here and slept on that couch," The doctor gestured to a small couch across the room. (your name's) eyes widened, almost in disbelief.

"It's true," Mokuba smirked. "That's a first for Seto. In fact, he'll probably deny it if you ask him, but I managed to snag a photo when he was asleep." Mokuba pressed his phone in (your name's) face, showing Seto curled up on the couch in front of them.

"Wow.. Where is Seto now?"

"He went back to the office this morning for a meeting, but not before threatening the nurses and doctors if they let anything happen to you."

The doctor scribbled a few notes and handed (your name) a prescription. "Everything is looking great. You're free to leave as soon as you feel ready. Take this twice a day after eating for the next seven days." He quickly left, leaving (y/n) and Mokuba alone in the small hospital room.

"So (Your name) , we've got a lot to catch up on. Let me start from the beginning." Mokuba started.

"Wait, I think I remember most of it. Just tell me what happened after I was knocked out."

"Alright, so our team apprehended Zigfried's cronies, and Zigfried disappeared through some trap door."

"What? Where is he now?"

"Let me finish!" Mokuba teased. "Seto was having none of that. You shoulda seen how pissed he was. He chased after Zigfried himself, and found him on the rooftop. Of course I followed him after we had everyone else on lockdown, but he didn't need my help. When I got there, Seto had him by his jacket and he was holding him over the edge of the balcony."

"He what?"

"Yeah, so then he threw him to the ground and told him he wasn't worth his time, and the cops arrested Schroeder. It looks like he's going to be in jail for a long time for what he did to Kaiba Corp and to you."

"Wow.. all of that happened after I was knocked out? I can't believe I missed so much."

"Yeah, and then we rushed you here, and you know the rest." Mokuba said standing up.

The same doctor from before returned to discharge (Your name) and Mokuba helped her into his car. Mokuba brought her to the mansion he and Seto lived at.

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