Chapter 2- What a Jerk!

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The following morning, (your name) attended an all staff meeting with her colleague, Daphne.

"What's this about?" (your name) whispered to Daphne.

"No idea, someone probably didn't get his coffee order right again," Daphne sneered. A few people next to (your name) overheard and chuckled.

A tall, intimidating man stormed in the front of the conference room and stood at the podium.

"Who is that?" (your name) asked quietly.

"That's Seto Kaiba!" a few voices quietly hissed, as if they were surprised that she didn't already know.

"I'm sorry, this is my second day!" (your name) defended. (Your name) crossed her arms, deep in thought. So this is the guy who yelled at me last night.

"Quiet everyone!" The man growled. The room quickly settled down. "Does anyone here know how much Kaiba Corp's annual revenue was last fiscal year?" The room remained quiet as everyone was afraid to answer. Frustrated, Seto pointed to an older man in front. "You there, what do you think?"

The man nervously looked at his comrades as if hoping for a clue. "Um, approximately... 10 billion sir?" He asked more than answered.

"Wrong!" Seto declared, asking three other unwilling participants, all who also guessed incorrectly.

"Anyone else know?" Seto groaned. (your name) raised her hand and all eyes fell to her. "You there, in the back," Seto said, almost sounding bored.

"Sir, Last fiscal year, Kaiba Corp earned 240 billion in revenue. 170 nationwide, and 70 billion internationally." (your name) answered, completely red in the face from all eyes watching her.

"That is... correct." Seto crossed his arms and a slight smirk curled up on the man's face. "For the four of you that guessed incorrectly, pack your cubicles, I'm letting you go. Employees of Kaiba Corp shouldn't be so completely clueless."

The four individuals solemnly left the conference room as shock plastered across (your name)'s face. Before she could utter a word to her boss, Seto spoke again.

"The reason we are here today is because Kaiba Corp has an opportunity to increase our revenue for the year by 50%. I've received word that Pear, Inc is launching into video game design, and wants to collaborate with a seasoned gaming company to create the greatest video game experience ever. A contract worth 125 Billion is available for bid, and I'd like all hands on deck to support this effort."

Murmurs erupted all over the room. "And as if working for such a prestigious company wasn't enough of an incentive, I'm offering a 50 grand bonus for anyone that contributes to the winning proposal." Gasps and wipers filled the room. "Mokuba Kaiba, our Vice President, will be overseeing this project."

A shorter, younger looking teen with long shaggy brown hair who resembled a little boy in his dad's business attire spoke to the team, discussing the details of the proposition while (your name) diligently took notes.

"Mokuba is Seto's brother, he's a child prodigy like his brother." Daphne whispered. "He finished high school early and has been working for the company ever since."

As soon as the meeting ended, (your name) was hard at work, racking her brain for ideas.

"Hey Daphne .." (your name) asked softly. "I have an idea. It might sound crazy, but I've really thought this through."

Daphne raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "What is it?"

"What if we created a whole new video game experience, where everything is real. Like a bodysuit that acts as a projector and motion sensor all in one. You can literally be in your favorite video game, shooting, fighting, whatever you like. It could also be used to enhance the duel monsters experience. And this would combat the criticism of traditional video games being too sedentary. I've done some research and between Kaiba Corp and Pear, Inc, I think we have the capabilities to make this in house.."

Daphne's jaw dropped. "(your name) , this is genius! You should pitch your idea to Seto!"

Over the next month, (your name) worked late nights and long weekends to create a complete proposal for Kaiba Corporation to present to Pear, Inc. She lived on caffeine and neglected having a social life, but it would be worth it when she was recognized and promoted. Not to mention the things she could buy with 50 grand.

She handed the crisp printed proposal to her boss on close of business Friday. By Monday morning, everyone was whispering that a Proposal had been selected by Seto and Mokuba, and if was accepted by the customer, someone in their department would be 50 grand richer.

An all staff meeting was held that afternoon, the room filled with excitement and wonder. Most of the employees had created or collaborated on a proposal for the big project and anxiously awaited a decision.

"Everyone quiet down," the younger, softer spoken Kaiba brother spoke. "Seto and I announcement to make."

Mokuba and I have reviewed all of your proposals, and we found one that wasn't completely awful." Seto said dryly.

"The winning proposal was submitted and accepted by Pear, Inc, meaning the creator will be personally recognized and awarded with their 50 grand spot bonus!" Mokuba announced cheerfully. "The winner is- (your first & last name)!"

Everyone except (your name) clapped. (your name) turned bright red from the unexpected attention.

The meeting ended and the pile of employees filed out except Seto. (your name) took the chance to introduce herself.

"Hi Mr. Kaiba," (your name) extended a hand to the young man. "I'm (first name, last name). It's nice to finally meet you!"

"Yes I know who you are. What I don't understand is why you're speaking with me instead of working." Seto growled.

"I thought I should Introduce myself considering I was hired to be one of your new executives. And in case you needed anything else from me for the proposal I submitted."

"Do I look like I care?" Seto asked coldly.

"I'm sorry, I just thought-" (your name) felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Look, I'm a very busy man. Find something to do and make yourself useful." Seto said as he left the conference room, leaving (your name) alone and confused.

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