Chapter 12- Meeting Pegasus

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(Y/n) and Seto arrived at the footsteps of Maximillon Pegasus' island mansion. The property seemed eerily vacant of the support staff you would expect at such a ritzy looking home.

"Good..." Seto murmured. "The less people I have to deal with, the better."

The pair walked through a dark hallway that seemed to go on forever, until a tall, slender figure with a long silky mane appeared.

"Kaiba boy! A pleasure to see you as always." The mans shrill voice exclaimed. His eyes shifted towards (y/n) and he extended a hand to shake. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting Kaiba boy's girlfriend. I'm Maximillion Pegasus, but you can call me Pegasus."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Pegasus, but I'm not his girlfriend. I'm one of his new executives, (First name, Last name)."

"Oooooh, you don't say! But you could just slice the sexual tension here with a knife." Pegasus cooed.

Seto stepped forward, glaring at the older man. "Pegasus, we didn't come here for a reunion. Tell me what information you have right now."

Pegasus brought the pair into a luxurious living room complete with pastries, coffee and ambient music. Pegasus pulled his tea cup to his mouth, slowly blowing the steam away and taking a sip.

"The vandal is trying to frame you, Kaiba boy, and you too Little (your name)."

"What? Why?" (Y/n) demanded. "We haven't done anything wrong!"

"Oh but haven't you, Kaiba boy? And you, young lady are guilty by association."

"Explain yourself now!" Seto growled.

"Now, now, Kaiba boy. I'm getting there..." Pegasus placed his tea back on the coffee table and crossed his arms, flashing a small smile. "When you took over Kaiba Corp from your Stepfather, he went into hiding, using your company's technology, as you know. Rumor has it that he has come out of hiding and is trying to frame you for murder."

"Murder? Of who?" (Y/n) asked.

"Murder of Gozaburo's mistress."

Seth stood up angrily. "My stepfather was a lying, evil bastard, but there's no way he had a mistress!"

Pesgaus pulled out his tablet, and handed it to Seto and (y/n). Grainy photos of an older man with thick eyebrows and a mustache embracing a woman caused the normally collected CEO's eyes to widen in shock. "How did I not know about this woman?"

"Gozabura must have kept her a secret for some reason." Pegasus concluded. "My intel tells me that she was recently found in her condominium shot execution style."

"Wait a minute..." (y/n) said. "What reason would your step father want to hide his mistress from you and your brother, then turn around and murder her? It must have been related to the company finances! Maybe she was on his life insurance policy or had a trust fund in her name! And if he could pin you for murder, you'd lose Kaiba Corp and he could take the business over."

"That bastard!" Seto growled. "(Y/n) let's get back to Kaiba Corp to go through my Step Father's old files!"

(y/n) and Seto stood up to leave.

"One more thing, Kaiba boy. Do be careful. I would hate for anything to happen to my favorite business partner."


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